Approximately 90 km from the capital of Belarus, almost at the intersection of the Brest, Grodno and Minsk regions, lies a small place with the amazing name of Mir. Officially, it is not even a city and is considered to be a "city-type settlement", but nevertheless, many tourists coming to Belarus build their trip in such a way as to get there, and many specially go "to see the World." And believe that all of them remain very pleased with this visit.

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  • 1 How to get to the World
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Minsk (nearest a / p to Miru)
  • 2 Kitchen and World Restaurants
  • 3 Shopping and shopping
  • 4 Entertainment, Excursions and World Attractions
    • 4.1 Grodno region

How to get to the World

From the centers of all three regions to the world it is easy to get on the bus. The road from Minsk will take 2 hours and will cost approximately 10-15 thousand Belarusian rubles (which is 2.50-3.50 euros). Buses depart both from the central bus station (the one that is next to the railway station), and from the east, direction to Novogrudok.

A trip from Grodno (direction to Soligorsk) will take 5 hours, but from Nesvizh, also beloved by tourists, only 40 minutes. Since all buses are passing, tickets for them are sold on arrival of the transport and station, in advance they can not be bought.

Since the distance between Mir and Nesvizh is about 30 km, both towns can be visited in one day. In this case it is better to start a journey with Nesvizh, and from there already go to the World. You can ride not only by buses, but also by negotiating with sightseeing, drivers often meet tourists.

Getting to the World by train is not very convenient. All trains go to the station Stolbtsy (or Gorodei), from which you still need to get to the final point by bus. To go for long, from the strength of 30 minutes, but here are places in the passing bus may not be, then how lucky. If this prospect does not frighten, then you can safely sit down in Minsk (Brest or Baranovichi) by train, in the route which is the stop of Stolbtsy or Gorodei and the way. Departure takes place from the station Minsk-Passazhirskiy and from the stop "Institute of Culture."

Search for air tickets to Minsk (nearest a / p to Miru)

Kitchen and World Restaurants

Like any tourist site, the World has several cafes where you can refresh yourself and rest, tired of walks and impressions..At your service cafe at the hotel "Usadba", a cafe in the castle "Stranya", as well as "The road of castles", "Mirum" and "Ragneda", from which you can see an amazing view of the castle..We must pay tribute to the fact that they are fed tasty and abundant in all the restaurants of the World, so what kind of institution will you like the most, there you can dine .And, of course, do not miss the opportunity to arrange a summer picnic on the bank of the River Mirjanki only bonfires do not ignite .

World Attractions: Belarus, Mir Castle

Shopping and shopping

What can I buy in the World? In the souvenir shops of the castle and the town there is a rich selection of all sorts of authentic souvenirs, including old coins (or stylized old ones), pottery, various figurines and amulets, bells, wicker and carvings, as well as beautiful photographs with views of the castle and paintings of local artists. No wonder the World is a professional art college!

Entertainment, Excursions and World Attractions

The main attraction of the world, as a magnet attracts tourists, is the Mir Castle of the XVI century .In 2000, this historic site was listed as a UNESCO heritage site, and in 2011 it received the status of an independent museum .To admire the castle from the World (view through the lake is amazing!) And you can walk around its surroundings for free .But on the territory of this majestic red brick building through revolving doors only those who bought the ticket are allowed: 23000 Belarusian rubles from an adult (this is about 5 .50 euros), twice cheaper from students and students .If you want to join a group with a guide, then prepare 60,000 Belarusian rubles (13 .70 euros) .You will visit the towers of the castle, get acquainted with the exposition of armor and weapons, a portrait room, remodeled chambers and utility rooms .

Everyone who has visited the castle at least once, especially recommend the beautiful ladies to refrain from high heels. And not even because the area of ​​the castle is paved with paving stones, and because of this test - the stairs to the tower with its extremely steep and narrow steps.

Especially powerful influx of visitors the castle is experiencing in the days when under its walls are held knight festivals. Then the guests of the World have a unique opportunity to attend the most real medieval tournament, and maybe even try their hand at any competition. Well, lovers of more peaceful pursuits will certainly be interested in the June festival called "Musical evenings in Mir Castle."

In addition to the castle, you can walk around the local park, visit the chapel of the Svyatopolk-Mirsky priests, St. George's chapel, the Holy Trinity church, St. Nicholas church, the synagogue yard and the building of the former Yeshiva (the university that produces rabbis), and also stand in silence on the burial place of the victims of fascism. And to unwind, glance into the estate-museum "Mir Posad", where a local enthusiast in the building of the former tavern collected many historical finds.

There you can learn about the tragic fate of worldly Jews, hear local legends, see a treasure from ancient coins and even sit on the bed of Prince Mikhail Svyatopolk-Mirsky, able to restore youth to the fairer sex. Perhaps it is worth checking ...

The cost of excursions is indicated in March 2011. World photo (20)