Read 1 review about the memorial complex "Khatyn"
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Khatyn is a symbol of the terrible tragedy that the Belarusian people suffered during the Great Patriotic War .Sometimes we ask ourselves whether we should visit objects dedicated to such terrible and tragic events as those that occurred in Buchenwald, Auschwitz, Treblinka, Khatyn? Do our children need to see these cruelties? The answer is unambiguous - you need .The events of the war go farther and farther into the past, veterans are getting smaller ... Twenty years ago, numerous columns were marching in the traditional procession of guerrillas in Minsk, now it's good if a couple of hundred people are .And such memorials as Khatyn are an inestimable repository of the historical memory of the people, which in its history survived the national tragedy .Khatyn is a symbol of the martyrdom of the Belarusian people who lost every fourth during the war years .And at the same time - a testimony of his unbending courage, because, after experiencing everything, he came out the winner of .This is what the main monument of Khatyn "The Unconquered Man" is dedicated to .

History of the Khatyn tragedy

On March 22, 1943, the Belarusian village Khatyn ceased to exist, now it is not on any geographical map .On the eve of the guerrillas fired at a German motorcade, a German officer was killed .In such cases, the punishers always carried out reprisals against civilians, thus seeking to intimidate the guerrillas, because among the population of the villages were their relatives .People who did not know about the incident were driven into a barn, adults who soon realized what was in store for them, tried to save the children, but they were shot when they tried to escape-$ .Only three children managed to escape .Soon after the shed was set on fire, its walls collapsed, people burnt and flushed, still tried to hide, but they were shot at point-blank range .

Anna Zhelobkovich, falling, covered her son Vitya with her body, he lay under the corpse of his mother until dawn, later he and another boy, Andrei Baranovsky, who was seriously wounded and taken by the Nazis for the dead, was found out by the residents of the neighboring village.

From the adult inhabitants of the village, only the 56-year-old blacksmith Joseph Kaminsky survived. Having come to consciousness, burned and wounded, he found the body of his son among the corpses of his fellow villagers. This tragic event is the basis of the only sculpture of the Khatyn memorial complex.

Mourning for the dead and enduring admiration for the staunchness of the suffering people - these are the feelings that the authors of the Khatyn memorial could make in stone and sound.

Memorial Complex

When in the 60s of the last century a decision was made to perpetuate the memory of the Khatyn tragedy, a competition was held among sculptors and architects .Architects won Y .Grads, In .Zenkovich and L .Levine, sculptor ะก .Selikhanov .Khatyn - an outstanding work of monumental art .Laconic, imaginative, expressive, realistic means the authors convey to visitors a high patriotic idea .The monument has an exceptional emotional impact, which is achieved by a combination of nature, sound and perfection of architecture and plastics .Anyone who has ever heard Khatyn's bells will never forget them..Belarus is the unconquered Joseph Kaminsky, carrying in his arms his tormented child, but not bowing his head before the invaders..Grief of the dead and the enduring admiration of the staunchness of the suffering people-these are the feelings that the authors and authors of the stone and sound managed to translate .

How to drive

From Minsk to Khatyn there is a bus from the main bus station. On a private car you need to go on the highway "M3 Minsk-Vitebsk", at 54 km you will see the sign - Khatyn, following it, after 5 km you will reach the memorial.

Opening hours

Photo-documentary exposition: 10: 30-16: 00, ticket price for students and schoolchildren - 1150 BYR; ordinary tickets - 2350 BYR.

Excursion service: 10: 30-15: 00, the day off - Monday.

Photography (1 camera) - 1400 BYR.

The entrance to the territory of the memorial is free, there is a parking lot, a souvenir sale booth, the nearest food store in the memorial - in the nearby boarding house "Partisansky Bor".


Reviews about the memorial complex "Khatyn" (1)

Estimate 10

Khatyn is a place that everyone who comes to Belarus should visit.January 29, 2014

Vitaliy Sh.
was here in August 2012
I am sure that every compatriot knows about Khatyn. If you are going to come to Belarus and plan a trip route - do not forget to include in it a visit to this place.
It's not hard to get to Khatyn: just over 50 kilometers (about an hour) by car on the M3 Minsk-Vitebsk road to the turn signal to Khatyn. But it is better, in my opinion, to get a ticket for a bus excursion in Minsk. For example, in the tourist office at the railway station, or in other places. Tour guide ... Read review in full
Memorial complex Memorial complex Memorial complex Memorial complex Memorial complex Memorial complex Memorial complex