I want to go to Brest. Question:
1. Which currency is better to pay there? Where is it more profitable to exchange Russian rubles for local currency and at what rate?
2. What to see, except for the fortress?
3. What are the best markets to visit?

Responds Marat Usov
1 .In Belarus, the only currency of settlements is the Belarusian ruble (with the rare exception of some gas stations on international routes, where the currency of foreign countries is also accepted) is .Exchange of Russian rubles can be made at any exchange office or bank .The official exchange rate is set by the National Bank and exchange rates in commercial banks are not much different from it .The exchange rate difference will be almost insignificant (unless, of course, you are going to exchange very large amounts, more than the equivalent of ten thousand US dollars) .The rate of the National Bank for today and tomorrow can always be viewed on its website www .nbrb .by .

2 .The excursion program depends also on how much time, energy and desire you have .In addition to the Brest Fortress, you can visit the Museum of Railway Engineering .Of the iconic buildings: the church of Sv .Nicholas and the Cross Exaltation Church both built in the mid-19th century .Pay attention, when you are in the fortress, on the ancient fortress of ancient Berestya .Do not spare the money for a good guide, the fact is that Brest has a very interesting and tragic history even before the war..This city could well compete with Venice, for example .But this is a completely different story .In addition to the city I will recommend a country excursion to Belovezhskaya Pushcha .You can get there: by bus or bus on the route Brest - Kamenets - Kamenyuki .From Brest the departure of the minibus to: 07 .00; 13 .00; 17 .15 .Bus: 08 .00; 14 .30 .Return bus goes to 08 .20; 14 .15 and at 18 .40 .The bus takes you to Brest, leaves at 06 .20; 10 .00; 16 .15 .Just in case the schedule can always be checked at the bus station or by phone: 114 in Brest .You can also get to your transport from Brest along the highway (р83) Brest - Kamenyuki distance about 65 km .In Pushcha there is a wonderful museum of nature, and in open-air cages one can observe bisons, wild boars and other representatives of fauna .By the way, if you take a carrot package with you, then the inhabitants will positively posing for it in front of your camera .If you come with a child, then in Pushcha, look at the residence of the Belarusian Father Frost .

3. Brest is a very small city, so you will not find dozens of clothing markets here :) The most popular clothing markets are the "Warsaw" and "Old Town". The latter is widely represented high-quality goods of local Belarusian production. By the way, pay attention to the Belarusian jersey.

Interesting trips and a happy return home:)

March 24, 2014

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