Weather forecast for cities in Bhutan for week and 14 days

Thimphu, 10 days weather forecast for Thimphu
Weather in Bhutan
March 1, Sunday
Cloudy, light rain, thunderstorms
+9 ° С in the daytime
+3 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Bhutan
March 2, Monday
Cloudy, rain
+7 ° С in the daytime
+4 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Bhutan
March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+8 ° С in the daytime
+1 ° С night
° С water

The diversity of the climatic zones of small Bhutan could be envied by some large country: on its miniature territory there are also "thousands of thousands" of the Himalayas covered with eternal snows, and alpine meadows and subtropics .The weather in Bhutan depends on the height - as the country is entirely located on the slopes of the Himalayan mountains with a height of 1500 to 5000 meters, at the foot of the massif there can be a blossoming monsoon summer, and on the tops - an uninterrupted winter, capable of enthralling any skier .However, on the tourist attractiveness of Bhutan this does not affect in any way: here you can visit amazing Buddhist shrines in any weather, correct health in traditional medicine clinics and follow the rhythm of colorful festivals .

Periods from the end of September to the end of November and from March to May are universal for all kinds of rest in Bhutan.

The climate of Bhutan is

The climate of Bhutan is determined by the area of ​​the Himalayas and altitude zonality .The internal Himalayas are under the influence of a wet monsoon mountain-tropical climate .Monsoon rains are spilled here from June to August .Every night the country is shaken by powerful showers, and the rising sun in the morning can not break through a dense veil of fog .During this period, floods and severe erosion are also frequent, and therefore transport is difficult .Large Himalayas are affected by the cold climate of high mountains .Precipitation here is minimal, air is dry enough .In these regions, the summer is cool - no higher than +10 ° C, and the winter is cold - up to -10 ... -15 ° С .

In the valleys of the Himalayas in the central region of the country the climate is moderate and in general is close to the European one. In the capital, Thimphu, during the summer, the daily temperature ranges between +19 ° C and +25 ° C. However, the location at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level greatly influences daily diurnal temperature changes: at night the thermometer shows no higher than +13 ... + 16 ° С.

The southern regions of Bhutan bordering India are the realm of a hot and humid climate. In summer here it is stable for +30 ° C, which, together with a high concentration of moisture in the air, does not contribute much to hours of excursions. On other days the column of the thermometer is creeping to creep up to +40 ° C. And in winter it is not below + 15 ... + 17 ° С, which is great for visiting nature reserves and watching the life of animals.

The spectrum of winter activities - travels through western Bhutan, bird watching in the jungles of the southern subtropics and rafting on the mountain rivers.

When to go

The periods from the end of September to the end of November and from March to May are universal for all kinds of recreation in Bhutan. At this time of year, a comfortable temperature prevails in most of the country, which, combined with a minimum amount of rain, makes excursion trips, trekking, and participation in festivals pleasant.

More than half of the annual tourist flow in Bhutan falls in the autumn months, which means that in other times of the year there are much fewer tourists and more democratic prices for tours.

A range of winter activities - traveling through western Bhutan, bird watching in the jungles of the southern subtropics and rafting on the mountain rivers. It's still quite comfortable in the daytime, but you'll need warm clothes at night. From December to February in Thimphu, snow often falls.

The summer monsoon season is not an excuse to postpone the trip to Bhutan. In June, July and August, the species in Thimphu and the surrounding areas are fantastic - in monsoon fogs silhouettes of monasteries and outlines of mountains suddenly appear. It's no wonder that photographers come here in summer - the frames turn out to be excellent. An additional pleasant bonus is the season of fruits and vegetables, when the country's markets are filled with fresh and delicious gifts of nature.