One of the largest in the world and the largest in Canada, the National Park Wood Buffalo covers an area of ​​more than 44,000 square meters. km in the provinces of Alberta and the Northwest Territories between the lakes of Athabasca and Bolshaya Nevolnichye. What is not surprising: all the flora and fauna in the territory of this park is protected by the state.

How to get

The way to Wood Buffalo is not easy. First flight to the Canadian city of Edmonton, then by charter flight or motor transport to the settlements, from which the park is available: Fort Smith (Northwest Territories) or Fort Chipuyan (province of Alberta).

The main administration office of the park is in Fort Smith. Here goes the McKenzie Highway (go to Hey River, then 5 km to Fort Smith). The branch office is located in Fort Chipuyan, where you can get by air only.

Search for air tickets to the city of Edmonton (nearest a / p to Wood Buffalo)


The climate in this region is moderately cool, winter is usually quite cold, summer is short and warm. A favorable time for visiting the park can be considered the whole year.

Nature of Wood Buffalo

On the territory of Wood Buffalo, a lot of forests, both coniferous and mixed, meadows, plains, tundra woodlands and many lakes and rivers. It is noteworthy that in the park there is one of the largest deltas in the world, it was formed by the rivers Athabasca and Peas River at the confluence of Lake Athabasca.

As there are no roads in the park, a herd of buffalo live and successfully reproduce in natural conditions, for the preservation of which the Wood Buffalo Park was founded in 1922. At the moment the herd numbers more than 2500 individuals.

The increase in the number of bisons is promoted by large areas of untouched meadows in the forest zones of the park. Here, nature is created, and human beings are protected by favorable conditions for such rare animals and birds as caribou deer, beavers, musk rats, wolves, American cranes and pelicans. In 1983, the Park was inscribed on the UN World Heritage List.

Wood Buffalo National Park

Loggias and Camps in Wood Buffalo

In the camp territory there are 36 sites intended for campsites. Several of them are located on Lake Pine Lake (60 km from Fort Smith), the most extensive is the Kettle Point Point Group, designed for large groups of tourists. The place in this camping must be reserved in advance. If necessary, organize night parking in the park, you need to get permission from the administration of Wood Buffalo.

You can find housing in the nearest cities to the city: Fort Smith, Hay River, Fort Simpson and Yellowknife. Here you can not only rent a room in a hotel, but also rent a room or house, which is more convenient and more profitable in case of long-term accommodation.

Flora and fauna of the park, remarkable places and routes Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo is open to visitors all year round, each season has its own charms. In the park there are many hiking trails of varying length and complexity, from very short walking to long and difficult. Almost any trail allows you to see around the unspeakable beauty of the surrounding nature. Since wild animals behave in nature very carefully, the probability of encountering them during a walk is very small, but from afar you can see many interesting things.

It was in Wood Buffalo Park that the longest beaver dam in the world was discovered, its length is about 850 m.

Tourist routes bypass the side of the nesting site for rare birds, such as, for example, the American Crane: the fine nature of these birds will not be beneficial for meeting people. In Fort Smith you can rent a boat or canoe and go by water to Fort Fitzgerald, Fort McMurray, or Fort Chipuani.

The use of motor boats is allowed only on large rivers, such as Athabasca River, Quatre-Forches River, Peace River, Slave River.

Due to the geographical location of the park, you can enjoy here also such a rare natural phenomenon as the northern lights. In the fall and spring, chances to see the magical color changes filling the entire sky are greater than at any other time of the year.

The park is interesting not only for travelers, but also for serious researchers of wildlife. Sometimes naturalists are waiting for the most incredible discoveries and findings. Thus, it was in Wood Buffalo Park, in its southern part, that the longest beaver dam in the world was discovered, its length is about 850 meters (usually 10-100 meters). A lot of interesting materials on the development of the region and the wildlife protection of the region can be seen in the collection of the Fort-Smith Museum.

Athabasca River, Wood Buffalo, Canada Wood Buffalo
Athabasca River, Wood Buffalo
Buffalo, Wood Buffalo, Canada Wood Buffalo
Bison, Wood Buffalo
Pelicans, Wood Buffalo, Canada Wood Buffalo
Pelicans, Wood Buffalo