San Vicente (São Vicente) - a charming island-resort of volcanic origin, which became world famous as the birthplace of the great singer Cesaria Evora. Here is opened the National Craft Center - a place where traditional textile craft was restored, as well as making ornaments from shells and stones.

Capital - Mindelu; large cities: Baia-dash-Gatash, San Pedro (São Pedro), Callagh. The best beach is in San Pedro.

It's worth a try arroz de cabidela de marisco and dadal - shellfish with rice and guisado de percebes - lobsters on the grill

How to get to San Vicente

In the south of the island there is an international airport located about 1 km from San Pedro and 10 km from Mindelo. The airport accepts regular domestic flights of TACV from Sala, Santiago and San Nicolau. The cost of taking a taxi from the airport to the city is ~ 800 CVE in the afternoon and 1200 CVE at night.

Searching for air tickets to the city of Sal (the nearest airport to San Vicente) is


In the city Mindelo and the surrounding areas are run by buses, the fare is ~ 30 CVE. In July and August, buses leave for Baia-dash-Gatash. Public transport also goes to San Pedro.

The cost of a taxi ride around the city is ~ 30 CVE, to the top of Monte Verde ~ 30 CVE, to Baia-Dash-Gatash and back ~ 1400 CVE, to Callagau ~ 2000 CVE.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing San Vicente

Mindelo is one of the most beautiful and picturesque cities of the Cape Verde, located between the ocean and the mountains: wide streets decorated with palm trees, colonial architecture typical of the 19th centuries, bright traditional houses. In addition, it is believed that Mindelo is the most "live" nightlife in the country. As a rule, night festivities start from the main square and continue in the restaurants and nightclubs of the city.

Night clubs are open from 22:30 to 5:00 am, entrance tickets from 200 to 300 CVE.

Island San Vicente (port.)

The youngest and most popular sport is windsurfing. From the beaches of San Pedro surfaced a lot of international champions. Another type of entertainment - cycling and horse riding. Europeans brought golf to the island, now there is a wonderful field of 18 holes.

Carnivals in Mindelo are considered the most festive and lively in the entire Archipelago. The Baia-dash-Gatash Festival, held annually in August during the full moon, is one of the largest music festivals on the entire west coast of Africa. Theater Festival Mindelact - international meetings of amateur theater companies, held annually in September.