Santiago is one of the most attractive islands on the archipelago, famous for its beautiful nature and comfortable climate. The mountains, overgrown with eucalyptus groves and plantations of tropical plants, rocks and canyons make up the unique landscape of the island. Not far from the capital is the medieval Portuguese fortress of St. Philippe - the first buildings of Europeans in Cape Verde. Ship guns raised from the ocean floor adorn the fortress walls.

The capital of the country and the largest city on the island - Praia. Good beaches go to the west of the capital - it's Praia-Mar and Cuhebra-Canela.

How to get to Santiago

The flight of Sal - Santiago takes only 50 minutes. The plane arrives at the international airport of the country's capital.

Search for airline tickets to Sal (nearest a / p to Santiago)

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

Sights of the capital - Albuquerque square, presidential palace, ethnographic museum, Diogo Gomes monument. 10 km to the west is located Ciudad Velha (Old Town) - the first settlement of Europeans in the archipelago, is included in the UNESCO heritage list.

And also the cities of San Giorgio-dos-Organaş, Bahia di Tarafal, Assamada with a picturesque fruit market and Shau-Bom, where you can visit the old prison where the Resistance Museum is now.

Diving on Santiago

At the bottom of the ocean lie the remains of hundreds of ships untouched - the dream of any diver. However, diving on the racks off the island of Santiago is only suitable for experienced divers.

A few expeditions, organized by underwater archaeologists in the area of ​​Ciudad Velha, raised to the surface ancient tools, cores, coins, navigational instruments and even clogged vessels with wine of 16-17 centuries. In addition, in 2000, six world records were recorded in these places by weight and size of fish caught.