Good afternoon! My name is Hakob. I am Armenian, but we live in Russia. Married, we have a daughter. She is 5 years old. We want to go to Chile for 7-10 days, but citizens of Armenia must obtain visas. I was told at the travel agency that it was necessary to book tickets to the hotel in advance, and together with our documents to send everything to the embassy. I have a question, and if we are refused, God forbid, we paid half (the ticket and the hotel) and we will not be refunded back. What should we do? We live in Orenburg, I have a residence permit, so I must submit visas with Armenian passports.

Answer Julia Kazmina
Dear Hakob! It is necessary to book a hotel and a ticket, accordingly, you make a prepayment, and we begin the design of the tour and all documents for the visa . In my memory, nobody has ever been denied it, I think you will not be an exception, unless your plans do not include emigration to this country is . Just in case, if there is still a refusal, then if the tour is arranged in advance we will be able to withdraw hotel reservations without fines, if the ticket is needed in the original, then you can find a fare that implies the ticket with a fine after discharge . And so the losses will be minimal, ticket fines and visa costs.

April 27, 2014

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