Advise sightseeing tours of China?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
To have time to see as much as possible, it makes sense to choose trips to several cities in China. They can be limited to only two, such as the Beijing-Shanghai sightseeing tour. It includes a walk through the country's capital, a visit to the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City of Gugong, temples and parks of Shanghai. You can significantly expand the program by combining these tours with beach holidays in Hainan or even a visit to Lhasa - the capital of Tibet.

A wonderful impression of the country as a whole can be obtained by traveling along the Beijing-Xian-Suzhou route. Tourists will be able to see the famous Terracotta Army in Xi'an, the Garden of the Modest Official and the channels in Suzhou and much more. There are even more intense tours, with a trip to the city of Luoyang and a visit to the monastery of Shaolin, and then and (or) to Hangzhou, where tourists can admire the exotic pagodas, temples and Lake Sihu.

Nature lovers may be interested in tours from Beijing to Shanghai via Luoyang and Xi'an with a visit to Kunming and Guilin - there are stunning mountains and caves. A vivid impression will leave a trip to Shanghai on Beijing along the Yangtze River with a survey of the sights located along the way.

January 10, 2012

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