Traveling to this country is not just a tourist voyage. This immersion in the history of the millennia, a touch of eastern exotics and age-old wisdom. What to see in China? How to make the trip memorable and interesting? What to look for and how not to miss the most interesting?

West Lake in Hangzhou, China

This country is famous not only for its history and the world's largest number of residents .China is one of the largest countries in terms of area, second only to Russia and Canada in this indicator..Officially, this state is called the People's Republic of China, and its capital and administrative center was and remains Beijing .Why are tours to China so popular today? To this question, everyone who seeks here responds in different ways .Some seek to see with their own eyes the world-famous Chinese "economic miracle", which allowed the Middle Kingdom in a short time to take a leading position in the global economy - $ .Others are rushing to touch unprecedented natural wonders, to which this earth is so generous .

The islands of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau are widely known. These, as they are called, special administrative regions of China have a strong reputation as world trade and tourist centers. For citizens of the Russian Federation, visits to this country are now made without any problems. This circumstance largely contributes to the fact that the influx of Russian tourists into the country is constantly growing.

Statistics show that most often book tours to China from Moscow, although in other cities wishing to see a mysterious country in which the ancient traditions and achievements of modern technologies have been organically intertwined,.Especially attract tourists beauty of the natural beauty of this country is .Due to the diversity of climatic and natural areas, the flora and fauna of China has almost no equal on the planet .For example, only bamboo plants in the Celestial forests meet more than a hundred species .It should be noted that the Chinese are very careful about their natural wealth .There are several hundred reserves in the country, and rare species of animals, birds and plants are zealously guarded at the state level .

The Chinese economy is moving forward with leaps and bounds, and this fact can no longer be ignored. The largest cities of the country, Beijing and Shanghai, are ultra-modern megacities, in which surprisingly harmoniously coexist and masterpieces of ancient architecture, and buildings made of glass and concrete. By the way, the history of Shanghai is a good example of how one of the largest cities of the world grew from a small fishing village.

Of course, not all Chinese live in big cities. The agrarian component of the country's economy is significant, and the government of the republic is doing everything to erase the clear line between the city and the countryside. Everything is done to ensure that the Chinese living outside megacities receive a good education and are provided with timely medical care.

A trip to China is hard to imagine without seeing the Great Wall. This structure is not in vain received the name of the eighth wonder of the world. Stretched for almost nine thousand kilometers, this wall is still a subject of pilgrimage not only for foreign guests, but also for hundreds of thousands of Chinese.

The world knows the porcelain produced by Chinese masters. Millions of people love and appreciate good Chinese tea. All this can be brought from the Middle Kingdom as a souvenir. Also, a trip to China will be a special pleasure for those who understand good cuisine and love the national Chinese dish - Fig. The opportunity to taste traditional oriental dishes flavored with exotic spices is another reason that the country receives so many guests from around the world.

More and more popular are medical tours to Hainan Island. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that this is the only island with a real tropical climate. Hainan is at the same latitude with Hawaii, which largely determines its curative and natural uniqueness. Clean and warm water, snow-white sand - all this year round attracts lovers of comfortable rest from around the world.