At the moment, the so-called "Medical Tourism" is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon among tourists .Traveling for the purpose of combining rest and improving the body is quite a unique tourist phenomenon, which becomes more and more popular from year to year .This happens for a number of objective reasons, for example, the desire to get exclusive medical services not provided in your city or country or, as it happens most often, the desire to save .Although this kind of tourism has only begun its development about 20 years ago, at the moment it is profitable and every day it develops .

Medical-tourism-in-China --- ayurveda Medical tourism in China is

China is a country with great historical value, and traditional medicine originated in ancient China..Treatment in China or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a system of modern teachings and practices that arose from careful observation of the functioning of the human body and subsequent systematization of these observations..Health in China is seen as part of the science of "education of life," which, in addition to medicine, includes various methods of psychophysiological practices (wushu, qigong, tao-yin and t .ะด .), dietology, rhythmology and pr .

Traditional Chinese medicine treats man as part of nature and organically whole, centered in "dense" and "hollow" organs, and internal communications are provided by the meridian system .All the phenomena of the surrounding world, including man and nature, are interpreted by Chinese medicine as the interaction between the two beginnings of yin and yang representing the opposite aspects of a single reality .The emergence and development of the disease are considered by Chinese medicine as a result of the struggle between the defenses of the body and the disease causing the disease, as a manifestation of imbalance between yin and yang, or as a result of internal causes operating within the human body..

The Chinese city of Dalian, located on the Yellow Sea coast, is one of the largest centers of health tourism and sanatorium treatment in the country .The high level of infrastructure development, favorable ecological conditions and a two hundred-hundred-meter clean coastal recreation area enabled the National Tourism Bureau of China in 2006 to recognize Dalian as one of the best cities for tourism in all of China .Since then, Dalian has become famous throughout the world and annually continues to improve the quality of service to its guests, making a significant competition to the world's most famous resorts .

In Dalian, there are many centers offering health services and treatment procedures. Medical tours in Dalian - a unique option for those who are accustomed to combine rest and recovery of the body.

Unlike modern medicine, which finds its root in Greek culture and develops as a separate science, Chinese medicine and Chinese philosophy have been formed simultaneously and inseparably since its inception; in a fairly full extent this formation took place already in the middle of the first millennium BC.

Quite a lot of Chinese cities offer health tours, combining them with various types of recreation, such as beach or sightseeing tours. The tourist can only make a choice.