Is it worth buying a property in Cyprus?
Is it worth buying a property in Cyprus?
The nature of Cyprus is

Cyprus is located in the east of the Mediterranean Sea, from it is 70 km to the coast of Turkey, 95 km to the coast of Syria and 380 km to the coast of Egypt. This island is the third largest in the Mediterranean, its area is 9,251 km2. The real estate of Cyprus is in great demand among buyers, as this place gives a unique combination of a unique climate, beautiful Mediterranean nature, clean ecology, excellent service and a European standard of living.

Tourists who have visited Cyprus notice such positive moments as the friendliness of the local population, a well-developed health care system, almost complete absence of crime, preferential taxation for foreign citizens, business opportunities and residence permits, availability of credit for the purchase of real estate, tourist advantages and great opportunities for recreation.

The conditions and cost of living on this island are also attractive to our compatriots. It is interesting that in Cyprus there are Russian weekly newspapers, a Russian-language radio station and the availability of Russian television via satellite channels. Many popular artists like to visit this paradise for recreation and tours.

Trade and tourist business are well developed in Cyprus. The stores provide a rich assortment of fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood. Their prices are quite loyal. Local beer, wine and strong drinks are famous for their high quality. Holidays and festivals that take place on this earth bring unforgettable emotions and impressions.

The restaurant business offers quality cuisine of various international destinations, which is available to foreigners and surprises with its generosity. International brands are presented in boutiques of clothes and footwear, at more favorable prices than in Russia.

Also in Cyprus is well developed and the health care system. Its public and private clinics are equipped with modern equipment, and medical services are available to everyone. The local climate has unique antibacterial properties, provided by solar activity all year round, which reduces the level of infections in the Cyprus ecosystem by many times compared to the European indicators.

Thus, the purchase of real estate in Cyprus provides great opportunities for improving the quality of life, tourism, recreation, and the conduct of a profitable business. This warm and welcoming place will be a hospitable host for its guests.