Is water suitable for drinking in Cyprus?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
All drinking water in Cyprus - imported, Greek, so to speak, bottling. Therefore, it is very economical to spend it, carefully. Sometimes there are water shortages, though insignificant and tourists who live in hotels they usually do not relate. Those who rent an apartment, you need to clarify in advance if there is a reserve of water in the house.

Now about the quality of $$$.Opinions on this score are very different, some assure that Cypriot water from the tap can not be drunk in any case .Others believe that compared to some domestic cities, the local water is absolutely clean .In fact, you can drink it, it will not do much damage to the body, although it will be tasteless .But here the boil water before consumption is always $ $ .It is really quite pure, the content of impurities is minimal, but it is better to insure .Boiling will destroy bacteria that can get on the walls of water pipes, while they did not use .

This is especially true for those who come to Cyprus at the beginning of the season, or are settled in apartments. In such cases, it is recommended to allow water to flow for a minute (sacrificing savings) and then use it.

May 28, 2012

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