Property in Cyprus. Rent of villas and apartments in Cyprus. How to rent or buy a house in Cyprus or an apartment. Selling and renting: features and prices.

Cyprus is a sun republic, an island over which the sky seems never to be clouded . If you believe official statistics, Cypriots are accustomed 330 days a year to enjoy the stunning sunny weather . In summer, the temperature reaches +40 ° C, and in winter does not fall below +15 ° C . . The rain usually starts to go in November, that's when the soft Cypriot autumn begins. time the island begins to bloom: the heat-dried palm trees come to life, the glades and flower beds are covered with carnations and buttercups . Yes in the winter in Cyprus you can swim - the average temperature of the sea is 18-19 ° С .

However, the island of Cyprus, located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, is attractive not only for its climate, but also for excellent Greek-Turkish cuisine and comfortable hotels. And along with this, Cyprus attracts a stunning pricing policy, which the Cypriots adhere to and about housing.

Many of our compatriots prefer to leave their disgusted square meters in dusty megacities for the sake of luxury Cypriot villas that are sometimes cheaper than our " odnushki "in sleeping areas. Today, buying a home in Cyprus is considered one of the most profitable investments in real estate, because its price is the lowest in Europe. And it is not surprising that for many people buying real estate in Cyprus is the acquisition of a second homeland.

On average, prices for villas near the sea, on which demand is particularly high, range from 100 to 300 thousand EUR.

Nuances buying property in Cyprus

Each month in Cyprus, selling about 400 units of residential real estate. You can buy for yourself or for renting a cozy house on the sea, an elite villa, spacious apartments or even a block of apartments. The price range is very wide, so anyone can choose their own real estate for a pocket.

On average, the prices for villas near the sea, on which demand is particularly high, vary from 100 to 300 thousand EUR. This, undoubtedly, will be a profitable purchase, because together with the dwelling cost from 300 thousand EUR you get a permanent residence permit, that is, the second citizenship.

The apartment or apartments can be purchased for 70-150 thousand EUR, and in the interior of the island and at all for 40-50 thousand EUR, but then the status of the Cyprian resident (Pink Slip) will have to be renewed every subsequent year.

The purchase of housing in Cyprus is governed by the Law on the Acquisition of Real Estate by Foreigners. Moreover, on December 2, 2011 the government of the Republic of Cyprus approved, in addition to the previous one, a new draft law on benefits for real estate, which states that the buyer is exempt from payment of the registration fee if the property being bought is subject to VAT (for a non-taxable such a fee is reduced by 50 %).

It is also advantageous to buy buildings or premises under construction: you make a down payment and gradually pay a certain amount after each stage of construction.

Own housing will allow you to luxuriate under the Cypriot sun all year round, even when most hotels are closed, and spa life is frozen until summer.

Property in Cyprus is

Rent apartments and apartments in Cyprus.

In Cyprus for a small fee you can rent anything you like, from a small apartment near the sea and ending with a luxurious cottage. Nevertheless, our compatriots prefer spacious apartments-studios at the sea for 50-90 EUR per day for all types of housing.

You can also rent an office space or any other real estate for a short or long (which is certainly more profitable) period depending on your goals.

Rent your housing is also easy - you can evaluate the housing and advertise on the surrender yourself or seek help from specialists who will inspect the premises, give it an objective assessment and publicize. The payment for the services of realtors will be a monthly rent.

By the way, if you are formalizing an employment contract, remember that the rental tax on housing in Cyprus is 5-8%, depending on the type and location of the property.

Which cities in Cyprus are best to buy and rent accommodation?

In the northern part of Cyprus, most properties are purchased in Kyrenia and Esentep, and in the southern part - in Paphos and Limassol. These are the most popular resorts, which are characterized by clean sandy beaches, comfortable hotels for all tastes and proximity to sights that will not leave indifferent fans of history.

Our on the island

Already about 80,000 Russians have changed their citizenship to Cyprus. On the territory of the republic, Russian schools and kindergartens have been built, one of the radio waves broadcasts in our native language, weekly newspapers are produced, and menus are made in cafes and restaurants. Our compatriots feel like home here a long time ago: here they move by whole families to study, work, relax, swim in the sea and ski. Many from here even manage the business that has remained in Russia.

Life in Cyprus is an ideal way to escape from bored megalopolises, relax from all worries and enjoy the local dimension. Where, if not on a sun-drenched island, you can finally start living for yourself and your loved ones, enjoy the scent of citrus trees and swim in the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean, every time returning to dinner on the terrace of your own cottage that once seemed unattainable dream.

View of the village of Pedulas in Cyprus, in the Nicosia region Property in Cyprus is
Picturesque Cyprus coastline Property in Cyprus is
Picturesque Cyprus coastline
Quay of Paphos Property in Cyprus is
Quay of Paphos
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