Unforgettable vacation in Cyprus.
Unforgettable vacation in Cyprus.
Monastery of St. Neophyte in Paphos. Author - Sergey Parshin.
Cyprus has always attracted travelers from different countries. Many remember the times when this island was also visa-free for Russian citizens and many of our compatriots flew there for the weekend. And it was not so long ago - just in 2000.

Then the Republic of Cyprus joined the EU and its popularity among Russians fell somewhat in connection with the introduction of the visa regime, but already in 2007 the visa was again virtually abolished, which again stirred the Russian tourism sector in Cyprus.

It is in connection with this, the newly awakened interest in resting on the island of the goddess of love Aphrodite, and we publish this article. We hope that the information presented in it will help many of those who wish to spend their holidays in Cyprus not only save money, but also get only good impressions of the trip.

We thank the independent tourism portal on Cyprus Internet Search Guide for the information provided.

Getting a visa to Cyprus is

For many of you, it will be a surprise that the visa to Cyprus is absolutely free for Russian citizens..An even bigger surprise is that today, for a tourist trip to Cyprus, a visa as such is not needed..With the introduction of new regulations since the summer of 2008, every citizen of Russia wishing to visit the island as a tourist should apply for a so-called pro-visa to Cyprus..And this can be done by any person from any city in Russia for only 1 day .To do this, you just need to fill out a questionnaire from the official website of the Embassy of Cyprus in Moscow and send it to the e-mail address specified in it .

Agree that it's easy and fast. So do not fall for the bait of unscrupulous travel agencies and tour operators who still charge money for issuing a visa to Cyprus. You can easily do it yourself.

Hotel reservation in Cyprus |

The selection and booking of the hotel is also a very important matter, which must be taken very seriously..First of all you need to understand that choosing a hotel is best on an independent resource, since only in this case the choice will be yours .It is best to use an independent tourist portal or a forum for travelers .After an exemplary list of hotels in Cyprus has already been formed, it would be nice to look for official sites of selected sites in order to make sure the photos, location and services match the one you found .At the same time you can get acquainted with the prices for this hotel, which will exclude further overpayments to various intermediaries .In fact, book a hotel is also better directly, since even the attitude to you upon your arrival will be somewhat different .

Organization of your leisure time on the island

As a rule, any tourist wants not only to lie on the beach and warm up his stomach, but also is interested in local sights and culture. Basically, the way to get information is to go to one or another place, but we recommend going a little different way.

For starters, you will need to decide on the type of attractions that you would be interested in .For this, study the Internet: find a list of Cyprus attractions with descriptions, read the forum, see photos .After that, check the location of the places of interest to you and make a couple of routes in such a way that you can see 2-3 sights at a time .Spend a couple of days on trips during your holidays and schedule dates, then try to find a car in Cyprus for rent for trips .Believe that this kind of excursion will be much more pleasant to you than a trip with a group on the bus .And it's a sin not to use such opportunities in Cyprus - the good of the country is not only absolutely safe, but also small .

We sincerely hope that this article will help you in planning your holiday in Cyprus and, in the end, will make it unforgettable!