What to bring from Cyprus?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Everyone would like to bring a few good moods and other not too material emotions for the sake of which tourists pay money. However, the harsh laws of reality dictate to holidaymakers their rules, in which before leaving it is better to concentrate on what you can drink or eat, and also legally to bring souvenirs to the territory of the Russian Federation.

Many tourists, returning from Cyprus, bring with them a local wine .It is rumored that it helps to spend a long winter evenings during the year and remind your taste of the warm Cyprus sun .Either way, experienced experts strongly recommend buying the wine "Commandaria", which costs in stores in Cyprus more than five EUR .For those who are focused on the result, it is recommended to choose between strong alcohol "Zivaniya" and a special Cypriot brandy .However, if you put your hand on the heart, the consistency, the way and the conditions of cooking, strong drinks in Cyprus are created in the image and likeness of the most ordinary village moonshine .However, individual connoisseurs can often appreciate the woody flavor and pleasant aftertaste .

Women will surely enjoy the products of cosmetic and leather goods from the island of Cyprus. Soap, created on the basis of olive oil, will become an indispensable means of personal hygiene for each of the fairer sex, who cares about her skin and dreams of prolonging youth.

As for leather goods, as well as numerous dresses, T-shirts and all products that are created on the basis of cotton, it all costs in Cyprus more than democratically, even if we translate everything into the domestic currency and forget that the eurozone exists. ±​​$ br >

Thus, the mandatory attributes of a tourist who travels from Cyprus must contain several names of alcoholic beverages, partially contain cosmetic products and more new clothes.

May 17, 2013

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