What to bring to Cyprus?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
It is always necessary to have with you the basic package of documents and advance with knowledge of what and how much you can take with you when flying, and what is better to refuse. Otherwise, long tears are provided even before arriving at a fashionable resort.

Many experienced tourists advise not to neglect on the trip some of the medicines. As a rule, such a first-aid kit usually should not contain anything unusual, except basic preparations, like analgin and ascorbic. However, responsible tourists will surely be able to assess the degree of their farsightedness at critical moments, since all medicines have different names from different countries, and explain what kind of drug you need to the hotel employee clearly will not work.

As for the currency, Cyprus has long been part of the Eurozone, which is making some adjustments. On the one hand it's nice when local legislators have already taken care of everything and do not have to think about how much money to take to Cyprus.

To import into the country more than 10 000 euros - they must be declared. Option, clearly designed for fans of financial striptease, so more than ten thousand is not worth taking.

And the minimum amount to enter the country is calculated extremely simply, at a rate of 50 EUR per day throughout the vacation.

April 2, 2013

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