Corals of the Red Sea, Egypt

People who are not comfortable with passive staying on the beach have always been and always will be. It would seem that more is needed - the summer sun, clean sand, complete relaxation ... But, as you know, the best rest is a change of activity.

Extreme tourism is great for those who share this view. Overcoming obstacles, being on the verge of a person's physical capabilities, a "troubled" tourist gets a lot of vivid emotions. Such an energy charge will suffice if not until the next vacation, then for a couple of months is guaranteed.

One of the most common types of extreme tourism is diving, that is, submersion under water. Less than ten years ago, all divers within one state knew each other, and now only in Ukraine there are about 40 thousand.

This kind of leisure will not tolerate negligent attitude to yourself - after all, sinking to the bottom of $ $ is fraught with danger to life, therefore thorough adherence to all norms certainly. I'll have to get a certificate of successfully passed training, better than international model. The cost of equipment for a beginner diver is approximate to 1 thousand dollars. It is better to buy everything at once. Then later, when you decide to go to the Red Sea - a favorite place for divers, you have to spend only on tickets and accommodation. Perhaps even need an online translator on your phone - in order to coordinate all the details with the instructor. Although, as practice shows, most of them speak Russian sufficiently.

It is worth noting that many types of extreme tourism are associated with water. Like, for example, rafting on kayaks or canoes on mountain rivers. Those who even have such doses of adrenaline do not take use of rafts. The indisputable advantage of this type is tourism - low cost. After all, we will not have to go abroad - rivers, canyons, forests, and in Russia. A two-week trek can cost only $ 200.

Of course, provided that you already have a tent, a sleeping bag, waterproof clothing and shoes. Recreation from civilization, plus a high adrenaline - a good cocktail for the city dweller.

Types of extreme tourism can be listed for a very long time. Among them - horseback riding and hiking in undeveloped areas, windsurfing, mountaineering, speleology, parachute jumps ... And for very wealthy extremals - a space trip to the orbit of the Earth, which will cost 12-14 million dollars.

The material was posted on April 4, 2011.