Solar Hurghada has long been the second home for Russian tourists. Our compatriots come to luxuriate on the hot coast of the Red Sea several times a year. These tourists are well-versed in the hotel's spa, they know how to get to the cafe they already like and are able to bargain well in shops and markets. It seems that Hurghada is known to them "far and wide". But it is not so. In Hurghada, there are many interesting and beautiful places, unknown to avid travelers and lovers of this town.

In Egypt from Nizhny Novgorod constantly fly airplanes, so Nizhny Novgorod tourists can easily get to this country.

In order to visit this Egyptian resort and not to lose sight of anything interesting, and also make your stay on vacation the most intense visit the most significant and picturesque places of Hurghada.

Ras Umm al-Sid Bay The most picturesque and interesting places in Hurghada
On the beach of Hurghada The most picturesque and interesting places in Hurghada
x170px The most picturesque and interesting places in Hurghada

Main street of Hurghada - Sheraton .It is located in the heart of the Old part of the city, which is called Sakalla .Once here, you will immediately be surrounded by increased attention from sellers who stand near the entrance to their shops and call tourists in them .Of course, such attention quickly bothers, but on Sheraton it's still worthwhile to stay, because the prices for souvenirs here are much cheaper than in other areas of Hurghada .The main thing is not to forget to bargain! In addition to numerous shops, there is a huge number of all kinds of cafes, both national, executed in the Eastern style, and European .It is worth to visit the well-known fish restaurants "Fish House" and "Star Fish" located in the center of Sheraton, where for a small price you can enjoy seafood delicacies .

Embankment El Marina - one of the most prestigious, new areas of Hurghada, which is located near the Sheraton. Extraordinary beauty promenade stretches along the yacht club, where often stop on their snow-white yachts travelers from Europe. On the waterfront are modern European cafes, as well as one of the most famous discos of the coast called "Papas Beach".

El Mamsha is the second most important street in Hurghada. Located here a promenade several kilometers long passes by such famous discos of Egypt as "Little Buddha" and "Hard Rock Cafe". Going to any of the many cafes located around the promenade, you can cool delicious freshly squeezed fruit juice and smoke a real fragrant oriental shisha.

Take note that in winter in Egypt - strawberry season, in autumn - mango and guava, and in summer and spring - watermelons and melons.

It is worth to visit the newly constructed extraordinary beauty mosque El Haram. It is located near the center of Hurghada, near the port. An eastern-style white construction shining in the rays of the bright Egyptian sun makes an indelible impression on everyone who is close by.

Arriving in Dahar, the Old City of Hurghada, you will enter the food market. Here you can buy almost any fruit literally "for a penny." By the way, take note that in winter in Egypt - strawberry season, in autumn - mango and guava, and in summer and spring - watermelons and melons.

Fans of oriental folklore should definitely visit the thematic complex "Alf leila va leila", which in Arabic means "Thousand and One Nights". This is truly a fabulous place. In the palace there are bright fascinating shows with belly dancing and scenes from the life of ancient Egyptians. And after the presentation you can visit any of the cafes located in the complex to fully enjoy the atmosphere of the luxurious eastern palace.

Well, are you ready to go to Egypt already? Travel agencies in Nizhny Novgorod will help you to choose tours to this country.
