Interesting in Finland
5 places to meet an unforgettable Christmas
Unfortunately, today the true meaning of Christmas, its essence, is often lost.
Interesting in Finland
5 Unusual Ways to Enjoy the Northern Lights
In search of the best views of the night sky, the only panoramic panoramic bus with a glass roof runs in the evenings.
Interesting in Finland
"Sang and danced," or the top 5 of the unusual romantic traditions of the world
However, for those who have already tried everything (including marriage), but for the time being it has not despaired, the task of surprising the narrowed / narrowed and self is not as impossible as it seems - it is enough to pay attention to the romantic traditions of the peoples of the world and, perhaps, on your holiday.
Interesting in Finland
And how they have
Having lived fifteen years in Finland, I can say that I know this country well and begin to understand the Finnish character. Trouble here can sneak up unnoticed, and salvation - come from, where did not wait. The nature here is very similar to ours, it's true. And people here are completely different.
Interesting in Finland
Bus tours to Finland
The diversity of bus tours to Finland will certainly please not only those tourists who discover the country of Suomi, but also experienced travelers who have been there many times.
Interesting in Finland
Bus tours in Helsinki
The reputation of Helsinki as one of the most well-kept European cities is indisputable, and more recently the Finnish capital is among the three most environmentally friendly cities in the world.
Interesting in Finland
To Finland by car
Unlike in Russia, there is no "dry law" for drivers in Finland - the allowable blood alcohol content is 0.55 ppm.
Interesting in Finland
Ski resorts in Finland
It is believed that the Finns are ready to get on skis in any place, where at least a couple of snowflakes fall.
Interesting in Finland
Hot five of winter-fairytale destinations
And it was for you that we prepared a list of directions, where you can certainly get into a real winter fairy tale.
Interesting in Finland
Last Minute Tours in Finland
Providing all the opportunities of the Central Russian "regional" rest - from swimming and fishing in summer to skiing in the winter, Finland has a number of advantages. The
Interesting in Finland
Individual tours to Finland
Individual tours have become very widespread in the domestic tourism market, today their geography covers almost the entire globe, and Finland, so familiar to Russians, has not stood aside.
Interesting in Finland
Camping in Finland
For those who like to travel by car in Finland, a whole network of camping sites has been created.
Interesting in Finland
Cottages in Finland
Finland is a European country with a law-abiding population, trying to be as loyal to the neighbor as possible.
Interesting in Finland
Cruises in the Baltics
Cruises in the Baltic Sea are becoming more popular every year.
Interesting in Finland
Real estate in Finland
In the real estate market in Finland there are a lot of offers for renting for a long term (apartments for students), and for a short period (for holidaymakers).
Interesting in Finland
New Year tours in Finland
In Finland, everywhere the cult of family rest dominates: in any region there is something to entertain your children.
Interesting in Finland
Holidays in Finland
If you translate the Finnish name of the Northern Lights into Russian, it will mean "fox bonfires."
Interesting in Finland
Holidays with a child in a European way
Any country in this part of the world can offer a full range of entertainment for school-age children and their attendants.
Interesting in Finland
Hello from the country thousands of lakes or choose gifts for men and women in Finland
Knives, moose, alcohol and chocolate: "mix, but do not shake."
Interesting in Finland
Fishing in Finland
A fairly humane rule makes fishing in Finland even more attractive.
Interesting in Finland
The hottest destinations for winter holidays
Nowhere is there such a winter as in Eastern Europe.
Interesting in Finland
Sport on the brink of a possible
Any sport, both extreme and ordinary - is strength training, training, overcoming fear, laziness, habit of comfort.
Interesting in Finland
The oldest cities in Finland
Three of the oldest five cities in Finland are in the province of Turku and Pori.
Tours to Finland by train
Tours in Helsinki by train
Interesting in Finland
Weekend tours in Finland
Weekend tour to Finland - a great opportunity to relax from the everyday life of dusty cities and enjoy the beautiful beauty of the country, striking with its contrasts.
Interesting in Finland
Finland for children
In Finland, children's leisure is thought out to the last detail, and you can be sure that your child will not be bored for a minute and will spend time with benefit.
Interesting in Finland
Finland on the weekend
Mild climate, amazing nature, high level of service and goods at low prices - that's what attracts our fellow citizens in this country.
Interesting in Finland
Shopping tour to Finland
So, shopping tours to Finland - it's profitable, convenient and nice! The
Interesting in Finland
Excursion tours to Finland
The main legacy of the country of thousands of lakes - Finland - is its nature, unusual climate, unique flora and fauna, and it is quite logical that the excursion programs are built in such a way that first of all to show tourists the natural beauty of Finland.