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Romantic beauty France in Europe is strict in matters of visa policy .Citizens of Russia and the CIS need a Schengen visa to visit the Republic, you can apply for registration in the Visa Centers of France in the cities of the Russian Federation .The requirements are unified "all-Schengen": the expiration date of the passport is 3 months, the ticket reservation, the hotel and documents confirming financial solvency .Of the features - the mandatory presence of three blank pages in the passport .Submission of documents is possible only by prior appointment online .In addition to the visa fee, 35 EUR will have to pay and service fee - one thousand rubles with kopecks .

Visa to France - registration of visas Online and in the office!
Visa processing in the UAE and Singapore. Urgently. On-line: without presence and in the office. Price from 3 200 rub. Term from 1 day. Required documents:
Passport and photo. Guaranteed. Tourist invitations to Russia.
Complicated cases, work with refuseniks.
(499) 714-54-74, (812) 715-20-61 •
Visa to France
VisaMoscow - visa service at the highest level!
Professional registration of visas: visas to France, Italy, Greece, Spain and other Schengen countries, urgent Schengen visas, visas to the United States, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. Promotions and discounts for visas: children free of charge or insurance as a gift. Office in the center of Moscow, we work 6 days a week.
(495) 664-97-06, 789-02-09 •
Visa to France
"Delta Visa" - a visa is guaranteed!
Annual Schengen from 130 EUR! Multivision for 1 year, 3 and 5 years. In a clean passport! Visas from 2 500 rub. without the presence in Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, the United States, Great Britain, the countries of Asia, etc. Passports. Invitations to the Russian Federation. Help refuseniks. We work with regions.
(499) 922-66-30, (495) 621-26-01 •
Visa to France
Schengen visas: Reliable! Fast! Guaranteed!
Schengen multivisa visa for 1 year from 4 500 rubles. Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Lithuania. Urgent visas for 1 day! Guaranteed! For citizens of the CIS. Visa in the United States for 3 years from 4 500 rubles., In the UK from 3,500 rubles., To China from 3,300 rubles., To Japan from 8,500 rubles. Free courier departure.
(495) 928-00-58 •
Visa to France
"World of Wanderings": registration of visas on-line!
Registration of Schengen visas: to Italy, France, Austria, Spain, Poland from 2,000 rubles., Germany from 1,500 rubles. Urgently. Visas to the United States, Great Britain from 2,000 rubles, New Zealand, Australia from 3,500 rubles. Visas to China, Japan from 8,000 rubles. Tourist invitations in Russia, business visas to Russia. Complicated cases, work with regions. Express delivery.
(495) 783-80-20, (800) 775-42-71 •
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Registration of a visa through a travel agency

Required documents:

  • a passport whose validity is not less than 3 months after the expiry of the visa, 3 clear pages are required to paste the visa);
  • a copy of the first page of the passport, as well as pages with notes on inscribed children (if any);
  • a questionnaire filled out in French or English and signed personally by the applicant;
  • two color photos 3, 5x4, 5 cm (for children inscribed in the passport of the parents, it is also necessary to provide two photos);
  • a copy of all pages of the internal passport.
If the tourist has several passports, you must provide them all, even those that have been revoked, in the original, and with copies of all pages with Schengen visas and visas to the USA, Canada, Australia and Israel.

To confirm the financial security, you must provide the original and a copy of one of the following documents:

  • Reference 2NDFL
  • an extract from the main bank account
  • an extract from a savings account
  • an extract from the international credit card account (hide the card number)
  • confirmation of the scholarship and student card
  • sponsorship letter from parents, certificate from work with company details and salary instructions and signature of the responsible person (at least USD 700).

Individual private entrepreneurs will need a photocopy of the certificate of registration of IP / PBOJU and registration with the tax authorities.

Pensioners can provide a sponsorship letter from one of their children along with a document confirming his / her solvency. Also for students, pensioners or housewives, instead of a certificate from the place of work, you will need: a photocopy of the pension certificate or a photocopy of the student's card and a certificate from the dean's office.

Persons under 18 years of age will need a birth certificate (original) or a notarized copy and consent (original) for departure from parents with a notarized translation into French .The consent must be signed not earlier than 1 month before the day of filing .If it is impossible to consent from one of the parents, it is necessary to provide either a death certificate (original or notarized copy, without translation), or a single mother's book (original or notarized copy, without translation), or a certificate from the police that it is impossible to locate father (mother), or a court decision on deprivation of parental rights (notarized copy) .Permission from both parents (one of the parents) to leave the child must be translated into French (both documents in the original and notarized), must be issued according to the accepted form, valid for a period of at least 3 months, and must also carry a phrase "Which (s) is responsible for his life and health in accordance with Article 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation" On Entry into and Departure from the Russian Federation "" regarding the person accompanying the child .

In turn, the accompanying person needs a notarized document with a translation into French on the consent of acceptance of parental authority. These items can be included in the exit permit or as separate documents. Plus a photocopy of one sheet of internal passport or passport of parents (the main thing is that on this sheet there was a signature).

The same package of documents must be provided to citizens of Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Cash, copies of credit cards, checks from ATMs, certificates of currency exchange and traveler's checks as confirmation of financial security are not accepted.
Visa to France
Eurovision - Schengen visas at the lowest prices
Schengen visa for a year at the super price in rubles !!!
Schengen residents of Crimea with a guarantee.
Urgent visa for 1 day. Visas with a guarantee after failure.
Multivision for 1-5 years with 100% guarantee. Visas to citizens of the CIS countries.
Agencies special prices on request. We work with all regions of the Russian Federation.
(495) 223-84-29, 223-84-25 •
Visa to France
Schengen visa online:
Austria, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland for only 3500 rub. Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden for only 2500 rubles. Visas to Australia, the United Kingdom, the USA, New Zealand - 2000 rubles. Visas to China, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Cyprus, Bulgaria from 1000 rubles.
(495) 781-80-33. •
Visa to France
Visa to India and China without attendance
Visa to India and a visa to China from the tour operator "Ayurveda-Tour."
Our company is accredited in the embassy.
Delivery all over Russia.
(495) 959-59-60, (812) 337-58-88 •
Visa to France
Euro-resident - visa and immigration service for 5+!
Visas are urgent! Visa for a year for 3h! Complicated cases, guarantee! Visas Schengen from 3 300 rub. Bulgaria 2,200 rubles., The United States, Great Britain from 2,500 rubles., United Arab Emirates for 1 day 9,000 rubles. and for 3d 7 200 rubles.
Passport passport, 2-nd passport, urgently (from 2 days). Visas to Russia from 1 000 rub. Also: residence permit and permanent residence in the EU from 1,500 EUR.
(495) 665-02-60 •
Visa to France
Visiting center Arcade is quality from professionals!
Visa on the day of departure! Guaranteed Schengen Visa:
Lithuania, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary.
Visas to other countries: Japan, USA, Australia, England.
Invitations to the Russian Federation for foreigners. Tourist and business from 1 day.
(495) 650-12-39 •
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Visa processing independently

In this case, you must attach the following documents:

  • 2 copies of the first page of the passport with the data of the applicant, as well as pages with notes on inscribed children (if there are inscribed children!)
  • if the purpose of the trip is tourism - confirmation of the hotel reservation (original, fax or printout of the reservation from the Internet) and its copy. It is desirable (but not necessary!) To confirm the information about payment or prepayment of the hotel. Also, the confirmation of the tour, issued by the tour operator and certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the manager responsible for the reservation, or documents confirming the ownership in France, or the contract of hiring the accommodation are accepted for consideration;
  • for a private visit - the original and a copy of the invitation from the French side (Attestation d'accueil). The invitation must necessarily be certified by the city hall where the inviter resides, or documents confirming the applicant's ownership of the property in France, or an apartment / house lease;
  • a detailed program (in days!) of the program of stay in the country and a copy in French or English;
  • the original and a copy of the health insurance for the Schengen countries, valid for the entire stay in France. The amount of policy coverage must be at least EUR 30,000. The policy must necessarily be typed, hand-filled policies are not accepted for consideration;
  • air or train tickets to both ends (originals or printouts of electronic tickets and their copies, or confirmation of ticket reservation). The name of the airline, flight or train numbers, dates and time of departure / arrival must be specified.
Visa to France Visa to France

To visit close relatives who are citizens of France or have a residence permit and are permanently resident in France:

  • the original and a copy of the invitation from relatives (is not assured anywhere),
  • originals and copies of documents confirming kinship (certificates of birth, marriage, divorce, change of names, etc.). In the event that the inviter is a citizen of the Russian Federation legally residing in France, the invitation should be written "by hand",
  • a copy of the identity card of an EU citizen (for France - carte d'identite) or a residence permit for a Russian citizen permanently residing in France.

The copies attached to the set of documents are each executed on a separate A4 sheet.

Documents must be combined in the following order:

  • questionnaire,
  • Original invitation,
  • insurance policy,
  • ticket reservation,
  • Original certificate of employment and other financial documents,
  • copies of the first page of the passport,
  • other documents (hotel reservation, copy of invitation),
  • copies of Schengen visas from the past passport.

According to the information posted on the website of the French Visa Center, all applicants applying for a visa (personally, through their next of kin or third person) must personally fill out and sign the Consent to the processing of personal data. The consent for children under 18 years old must be signed by the parent or legal representative. This requirement is introduced in accordance with the law "On Personal Data."

Reception of documents for all types of short-term visas is carried out in the French visa centers. Only the owner of the passport or his close relative can give the documents (if there are documents confirming the relationship) or an accredited travel agency.

The exception is the Visa Application Center in Moscow: there is still the possibility of filing documents through a trustee. To do this, it is necessary to fill in a special application form for submitting documents by a third person at the website of the consular department of the French Embassy in Moscow.

At the Visa Application Center in Moscow, the visa application is made through the French Visa Application Center by appointment at (495) 504-37-05, (499) 681-13-60, or directly on the Visa Center website. Reception of documents is made from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 16:00, issuance of ready visas - from 10:00 to 18:00.

Consular fee

The consular fee is 35 EUR. The visa fee is paid in rubles directly when submitting documents to the visa center. In addition, a processing fee is levied at the French visa centers in the amount of 1124 RUR.

From the payment of the consular fee children under 6 years, teachers of the French language, teachers accompanying educational groups and some other groups of travelers are released (see the table of consular fees on the embassy's website). The fee for processing documents is charged in any case.

Embassy and consulates of France in Russia

Embassy of the French Republic in Moscow

address: 119049, Moscow, ul. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 45
telephone / fax: (495) 937-15-00, 937-14-30
Web site

Consular Section of the Embassy of the French Republic in Moscow

address: 119049, Moscow, Kazansky per., 10
phone / fax: (495) 937-15-00, 937-15-98, 937-15-77

Consulate General of France in St. Petersburg

address: 191186, St. Petersburg, nab. the Moika River, 15
phone / fax: (812) 332-22-83, 332-22-80
Web site

Consulate General of France in Yekaterinburg

address: 620075, Ekaterinburg, ul. Karla Liebknecht 22, of. 401
phone: (343) 253-00-81

French visa center in Moscow

address: st. Marxist 3, building 2
phone / fax: (495) 504-37-05, (499) 681-13-60
site of the French Visa Centers in Russia

French visa center in St. Petersburg

address: st. Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, d. 16/7, Chkalovsky shopping center, 3rd floor
telephone / fax: (812) 644-42-91

French visa center in Yekaterinburg

address: st. Kuibysheva, 44, 2nd floor, business center "Panorama"
phone: (343) 351-10-78

French visa center in Nizhniy Novgorod

address: st. Osharskaya, 16
phone: (495) 504-37-05, (499) 681-13-60

French visa center in Rostov-on-Don

address: st. Semashko, 117G
phone: (495) 504-37-05, (499) 681-13-60

French visa center in Kazan

address: st. Tazi Gizzat, 4
phone: (495) 504-37-05, (499) 681-13-60

French visa center in Vladivostok

address: 17 Oesansky avenue,
phone: (423) 265-25-47

French visa center in Novosibirsk

address: st. Chelyuskintsev, 15
phone: (495) 504-37-05, (499) 681-13-60