Opening a colorful guide to Germany and stirring sugar in a glass of tea, you cling to the window of a cozy coupe and fascinated contemplating flickering, as if in a movie, pictures of rural landscapes, city views, ancient buildings, rare semaphore lights, crowded stations .You are seized by a romantic mood, and thoughts are filled with anticipation of a fascinating adventure .Someone thinks that traveling by train is boring and tedious, but tuning in to the right mode and plunging into the rhythmic knocking of the wheels can easily lose track of time and do not regret it at all .

Railway voyages are not only romantic, but in a sense practical. For example, traveling by train, you avoid the fate of waiting for many hours at the customs. In addition, you can freely dispose of your time on the road, resting in a modern comfortable air-conditioned car.

Someone thinks that traveling by train is boring and tedious, but tuning in to the right mode and plunging into the rhythmic knocking of the wheels can easily be lost in time and not at all about it.

By train to Germany

Trains to Germany depart from the Belorussian station of Moscow. The nearest German city is Frankfurt an der Oder - located 1760 km from Moscow, the train will take you there in exactly one day. Stop at the Central Station in Berlin - another hour and a half. Among other major German cities, the train route also includes Hanover and Frankfurt / Main.

Three times a week (on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays) from Moscow to Berlin there is a train 023/024. In the capital of Germany it arrives in 25 hours, the ticket price starts from 200 EUR.

Also there is an opportunity to get to Germany on direct trailer wagons (sent from Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk).

Tourists can choose any of the three available types of tickets. The first option is also convenient, and is available - it is a Liegewagen reserved seat car. In addition, you can buy a ticket in the compartment with a washbasin Schlafwagen, which accommodates 3 people - traveling in such a car will be the most comfortable. The latter is the most budgetary option: to sit on Sitzwagen seats.

It is necessary to say that trains to Germany are more popular, and if your journey falls on the season of summer holidays, it is advisable to book tickets in advance.

Variations of railway tours to Germany

The variety of tours to Germany is amazing. Most German tours start in Brest, where travelers arrive on their own by train, then on the route lies Poland (via Warsaw and Poznan), after which they cross the border in the direction of Berlin. Some tours, for example, an eight-day tour of the "Tales of Germany", suggest a direct transfer from Moscow to Berlin.

Excursion tours in Germany usually include acquaintance with the main sights of the country, which are concentrated in Berlin, Dresden, Nuremberg, Munich, Potsdam, Leipzig.

Even more intense and exciting tours to Germany with a visit to neighboring European countries .The program "Fairy tales of Old Europe" will introduce you to the German cities of Quedlinburg, Wernigerode, Heidelberg, Baden-Baden, Munich, Nuremberg, Berlin, French Strasbourg, Swiss Basel and Zurich, Polish Warsaw..The basic cost of a tour lasting 12 days is 29 300 RUB .Tourists with children are likely to be interested in traveling to Germany with a visit to Disneyland, this opportunity is offered by the "Disneyland Vacation" tour (from 18 500 RUB + surcharge), and the attention of connoisseurs of fine drinks will be attracted by the tour "Wine roads of Europe" (from 22 400 RUB + surcharges) .

Information on the cost of tickets and tours is provided for September 2014.

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Tours to Germany by train