I want to go alone to Greece. Is it risky?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
In Greece, low crime rates, but due to active migration, it is still necessary to observe some precautions. In tourist areas, it is more likely to fear for a purse, rather than about their own safety. Therefore, always keep cash and valuables in safes, change money only in banks or exchange offices.

Road traffic in Greece differs from ours, as well as traffic rules: before renting a car, be sure to read local traffic rules.

Water in Greece is not the best, so it's recommended to drink bottled water, vegetables and fruits should be washed with water.

Dress code for walking around the city and on the territory of hotels there, but if you are going to the temple, then your appearance should not cause censure: knees and shoulders must be closed, no decollete, miniskirts and shorts.

The Greeks are inveterate smokers, they continue to smoke here almost everywhere, where there are no special signs about the ban. If you do not like when smoking in your presence - just ask about it, the Greeks - people are intelligent.

More information about the precautions for staying in Greece can be found on the website of the Greek Embassy.

August 30, 2013

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