Book hotel in Grenada at the best price

Grenada is an island country in the southeast of the Caribbean Sea. The main part of hotels and tourist infrastructure is located on the main island of the same name.

Expert Reviews of Grenada hotels

 Grenada hotels
Tonnes Editions

If you are looking for apartments with kitchen, cozy and small housing, or, conversely, a large resort complex, you can find any option in Grenada. There is a very wide choice of accommodation options, one of the best in the southern Caribbean. Hotels in Grenada, for the most part - resort complexes of high class. So, if you want to live closer to the ocean, perhaps you will be attracted by the hotel on the beach of Grand Anse Beach: all you need is to go out the door and go to the ocean.

Grenada also has eco-hotels. In their basis - only natural materials. The provision of eco-users with electricity is due to windmills. Water is heated thanks to the sun's rays, in the pool for cleaning uses natural salt. Most often, in eco-hotels, smoking is banned throughout the territory.

In addition to hotels, guests of the island can stay at the homes of local residents, which will allow them to penetrate the culture of this country.

Features of accommodation and prices

Accommodation in hotels in Grenada will not be expensive, but the quality of service usually corresponds to the level of the hotel. And do not be surprised if an amount of 10% is added to the hotel account - this is a service charge. To avoid "surprises", it is better to clarify this issue in advance.

Tipping - 10% for service is added to most restaurant accounts. No additional tips are required above this. Breakfast consisting of dishes of Caribbean cuisine is always included in the room price.

Carnival in Grenada

Carnival in Grenada takes place in the second weekend of August. These days the streets of the country are filled with bright colors of the parades, with the sounds of music, with dances. Celebrations begin on Friday and last until Tuesday almost without interruption. During this period "from the street" you can not find places for accommodation: for the time of the carnival everything is booked in advance.

In the Queens park there are groups of calypso, playing on barrels and other instruments. One of the brightest events of the festival - "Jouvert" - begins at 5 am Monday from the Djab Djab / Djab Molassi parade. People wear diabolical suits and are plastered with treacle (be careful when choosing clothes for this holiday: do not wear beautiful and expensive clothes - you can get dirty on other people). At the end of the Carnival, a group march through the streets of the city from Tanteen through Carenage.