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  • 1 Nusa Lembongan
    • 1.1 How to get
    • 1.2 Search for air tickets to the city of Denpasar (nearest a / p to the Bali Islands)
    • 1.3 Transport
    • 1.4 Beaches and attractions
  • 2 Nusa Penida
    • 2.1 How to get
    • 2.2 Beaches, diving and attractions
  • 3 Nusa Cheningan
    • 3.1 Cities and resorts in Bali

Nusa Lembongan

The 8-square-kilometer island, located on the virtual border between Asia and Australia, 12 kilometers from Bali, is becoming increasingly popular as a place for quiet and relaxing holidays and relaxing on land, as well as diving and surfing on the water.

How to get

You can get to the island by boat or boat; The arrival options depend on your budget and the desired speed. Boats sail from Sanur beach, the journey will last from forty minutes to one and a half hours and cost you from 100 000 to 250 000 rupees. Approximately for the same price and the same length of travel can be made from the pier of Benoa. The island can also be sailed from the neighboring island of Nusa Penida.

Search for air tickets to the city of Denpasar (nearest a / p to the Bali Islands)


On the island is best to travel on foot, because the island can be bypassed entirely in two hours. You can rent a bicycle (for 30 000 rupees per day), or a motorcycle (90 000 rupees per day). Between the beaches of the island there are boats; a walk along the coast will cost about Rs 30,000 per trip.

Beaches and attractions

In the north-west of Lembongan is the beach of Jungut Batu, surrounded by many cheap hotels and eateries - a traditional gathering place for surfers of the island..The beach is covered with white sand .In the south there are beaches Dream Beach and Sunset Beach .The terrain here is rocky, and limestone cliffs are covered with caves .The underwater world of the island's waters is amazing, here you can see sharks, turtles, shells and seaweed of fantastic shapes and colors .Diving in these places is more suitable for experienced athletes - local currents are insidious and unpredictable .From other water activities Nusa Lembogan offers parasailing, water skiing, bananas and kayaks .

In addition to the beaches on the island, there are mango forests, whose mysterious world can be explored while traveling by boat, the majestic rock of the Devil's Tear, spectacular sunsets.

From the man-made sights on the island, it is worth visiting the large and ancient Hindu temple, the seaweed farm (which are imported by the producers of expensive cosmetics) and strolling along the suspension bridge connecting Nusa Lembongan with the neighboring island of Nusa Cheningang.

Bali Islands: Nusa Lembongan

Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida - the largest of the three islands on the east coast of Bali, its area is 200 square kilometers. However, the tourist infrastructure is practically not developed. Because of the lack of own sources of drinking water, most food is brought to the island from Bali, so the prices for all here are quite high. The island, because of its relative intactness by civilization, has become an unofficial reserve for many bird species, including endangered species.

How to get

You can get to the island by boats and boats from Sansour and Benoa or from Nusa Lembongan Island. On the island itself, it is most convenient to travel by motorbike (rent costs 100,000 rupees per day).

Family in the Bali Zoo Bali Islands
Funny inhabitants of the islands of Bali
Indonesian corals.jpeg Bali Islands
Underwater life
The most intelligent species of parrots - macaw, Kuta Bali Islands
Rare birds here are frequent guests

Beaches, diving and attractions

On Penida there are many quiet secluded sandy beaches in the north and north-west. The south and southeast of the island is characterized by high coastal rocks with karst formations and limestone caves.

Features of the current off the coast of Nusa Penida make sharks, giant horse mackerel and rare mole-mole fish rise from the depths to the upper layers of the ocean. More than twenty places to dive around the island are littered with magnificent coral reefs with underwater grottoes, clusters of fish balls, populations of giant turtles.

The main site for a dive on Nusa Penida is Crystal Bay Beach. This is one of the few places in the world where you can see the fish mola-mola or "sun fish" - up to three meters long and weighing up to two tons.

Landmarks of the island are represented by huge limestone caves of Goa Karangsari on the east coast, in which stalactites and other bizarre limestone formations grow; the temple of the Pura Penetran Dahl, to which pilgrimages are made from all over Bali; the highest point of the island of Punkak Mundi (521 meters above sea level), the Sebalach waterfall, especially impressive in the rainy season.

Nusa Cheningan

A tiny island, located in the middle of the chain of islands of Bali, attracts fans of surfing and diving, as well as fans of colorful sunsets. On the island there are many paths for walkers, there is a bungalow where you can stay overnight.

Diving on Nusa Penide