Are the main attractions of Israel?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
This ancient country stores so many monuments of architecture and history that this question can be answered by modest excerpts from encyclopedias for at least a week. Let's save our time, and we will limit ourselves to the main ones. Of course, first of all, speaking of the sights of Israel, everyone comes to mind in Jerusalem. As a rule, this city should be spent at least three days to see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Wailing Wall, Golgotha ​​and beautiful monasteries.

The Dead Sea is the main natural sight, with its picturesque beaches, healing mud and water, where it is impossible to drown. In addition, near the sea are a lot of ancient archaeological sites and fortresses. It is worth paying attention to the Mediterranean coast of the country - the cities of Tiberias, Ashkelon, Netanya. The optimal choice will be a one-week (or better, two-week) excursion tour around the country, which can be completed by rest on the Mediterranean or the Red Sea.

June 28, 2011

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