Tiberias - an ancient city in Galilee, located on the western shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee (or the Sea of ​​Galilee), as well as Jerusalem, Hebron and Safed, is one of the four holy cities for Jews. This is a very picturesque place with narrow and winding streets and old houses of black basalt, which give the city a special charm.

Tens of thousands of people flock to Tiberias every year to visit national shrines: the tombs of Rambam, Rabbi Johanan Ben-Zakai and Rabbi Akiva.

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How to get

Egged buses (tel .: 672-92-22) depart every hour to Tel Aviv (42 ILS, 2, 5 hours en route) and every two hours to Jerusalem (42 ILS, en route 3 hours) from Tiberias central bus station . Buses to Haifa (28 ILS, 1, 5 hours), Kiryat Shmona (25 ILS, 1, 5 hours), Safed (20 ILS, 1 hour), Beit Sheba, Shean (22 ILS, 40 minutes) and Afula (22 ILS, 40 minutes). In all these cities you can take a bus to Nazareth.

Around the lake of the Sea of ​​Galilee in Tiberias a free bus was launched, which will carry everyone along the numerous beaches. The bus, the route of which runs along the coast and is 60 km, departs from the Central Bus Station of Tiberias every two hours from 8:00 to 22:00 on weekends and public holidays.

Search for airfares to Tel Aviv (nearest a / p to Tiberias)

Climate of Tiberias

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 17 + 19 + 22 + 27 + 32 + 35 + 36 + 36 + 35 + 30 + 24 + 19
night + 8 + 8 + 10 + 13 + 17 + 20 + 22 + 23 + 21 + 18 + 14 + 10

Treatment in Tiberias

Since 1955, on the basis of 17 local sources with a temperature of up to +63 ° C and therapeutic mud "pilomina" operates balneological resort complex Hamey-Tiberias. In its surroundings, as well as not far from the lake, there are wonderful holiday homes.

Map of Tiberias

Book popular Tiberias hotels at the best prices

Leonardo Plaza Hotel Tiberias from 9 726 rubles Tiberias 1 Habanim Street Rimonim Galei Kinnereth Hotel from 8 926 rubles Tiberias 1 Eliezer Kaplan Street Gai Beach Hotel from 13 604 rubles Tiberias Kaplan st.
Emily's Hotel from 9 603 rubles Tiberias HaGalil 66 Leonardo Hotel Tiberias from 7 510 rubles Tiberias Gdud Barak Rd.P.O.B175 Golan Hotel from 6 771 rubles Tiberias 14 Echad Ha'am Street
Aviv Holiday Flat from 4 309 rubles Tiberias 2 Hanotar Street Berger Hotel from 3,632 rubles Tiberias 27 Neiberg Street Astoria Galilee Hotel from 4 740 rubles Tiberias 13 Ohel Yaacov Street

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

No less attractive are the Greek Orthodox Church of the Twelve Apostles, the ruins of a synagogue of the 7th century in the area of ​​hot springs, as well as the remains of the ancient Jewish city of Hamat Tiberias (1-4 centuries AD)

In the vicinity of the city are interesting:

  • Yardenit, located in the place where the Jordan River flows from the Kinneret. This is a traditional place of baptism in the waters of the sacred river
  • Capernaum (Kfar Nahum), which is located north of Tiberias, on the north-western shore of the Tiberias Lake. In this place, Jesus Christ lived and preached. The Franciscans purchased this site, excavated and explored the city, and then founded their monastery
  • Not far from Capernaum on the mountain is a Catholic monastery with a temple that is dedicated to the Beatitudes of Beatitudes

In Tiberias, in addition to bathing in the lake, kayaking along the Jordan River is popular, cycling along the lake, as well as boat renting or group cruises to the city of Ein Gev (Kinneret Sailing Company, tel .: 04-665-8008). ±​​$ br > Photo of Tiberias (19)