Israel, the Dead Sea

Israel is one of the most popular destinations for tourists for the whole world. This is not surprising, because this country has a number of qualities that make it very attractive in the eyes of foreigners.

Israel is washed by two seas - Red and Mediterranean, has a varied relief - from mountains to plains. This means that here everyone can find the conditions that suit him - the climber can conquer new peaks, and the surfer - the waves. The climate here is quite mild, easily tolerated by the body, as well as acclimatization. It is worth noting that Israel is a country of contrasts. In the vicinity of the ancient sacred buildings are modern skyscrapers, the development center of the child can be located in the shopping center, which does not make it any worse - in fact the Israelis are famous for their gentle attitude to children.

Of course, one of the the most popular destinations in Israel are religious tourism, because the country is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. The famous Wall of the Wailing is a place for pilgrims from different parts of the world, in addition, it is here that you can visit many churches that have preserved the ancient look.

A significant part of tourists come to Israel in order to restore their health. In this country there is a huge lake, which because of its size is called the Dead Sea. Due to its unique properties, it brings people back to a full life, saving them from chronic diseases. The question arises - why does it bear such a name?

The fact that the Dead Sea - a reservoir with the world's largest salinity, so it does not live in marine life. Healing even air on the coast - after all, he is saturated with particles of useful minerals, with droplets of water. That is why staying at the Dead Sea is so useful for people suffering from respiratory diseases. The range of indications for treatment is wide - from dermatology to orthopedics. The main thing is to coordinate all the procedures with a doctor.

The phrase "Israeli cosmetics" arouses a sense of trust among many, because its composition includes salts and minerals. The Dead Sea is a favorite place for resting beautiful ladies. Spa treatments, massage, wraps, masks on the coast work wonders - they help to rejuvenate, regenerate the skin, significantly improve its condition in all respects. So, rest in Israel at Dead rest is a great way to restore health and broaden your horizons!

The material was posted on April 20, 2011.