Italy is a popular tourist destination not only for Russians..Its popularity is formed not only from the availability of tours (both territorial and financial), but also the variety of types of leisure offered .Connoisseurs of beach pastime can visit the coasts of the Adriatic, the Mediterranean and the Tyrrhenian seas, lovers of the mountains - the resorts of the Dolomites, greedy for impressions and new knowledge - choose sightseeing tours to Italy with a visit to Rome, Verona, Venice, Naples, Florence, do not hesitate to shopping in Milan and Rimini .

Classic excursion tours to Italy

Classical sightseeing tours to Italy - this is Rome, which absorbed the spirit of many eras, and romantic, reflected repeatedly in the waters of its canals Venice, the magnificent Naples and exciting Milan, Florence, Genoa ... A well-structured excursion tour, including those cities that were particularly desirable to visit, and paying attention not to trifles, but the richest heritage (historical, cultural), will leave an indelible impression of travel.

In addition, such trips are ideal for an initial acquaintance with the country. Excursion trip will help you to decide - where you will certainly want to return more than once and consider in detail, and that may not be to your liking, but it is already known, studied and will remain in your memory for many years.

Many travel companies offer to organize the tour in accordance with the individual preferences of the tourist - excursions can be even individual or small groups. Of course, for such a service it will be necessary to pay extra. If there are no special preferences, you can "join" a large excursion group and discover Italy noisy, tourist, bright and unique for already traversed by millions of tourists trails.
Types Gradars Excursion tours to Italy
Types of Italy Excursion tours to Italy
Types of the Vatican Excursion tours to Italy

Beaches + Excursions

Beach vacation in Italy covers the three beautiful coasts of the country: the Adriatic (Rimini, Riccione), the Tyrrhenian (Naples, Rome, Bari) and the Mediterranean (San Remo, Liguria) sea .The whole territory of the country (the Apennine peninsula and numerous islands) is not so far removed from the sea and represents over 7 km of coastline with a wonderful warm climate and wonderful sea beaches .Therefore, combine leisure on the beach and cultural leisure will be easy: here everyone can find a corner that corresponds to the idea of ​​an ideal vacation .If even tanning and water sports are not the only goal of the trip, it is worth paying attention to the specialization of seaside resorts .So family holidays with children are best planned for Capri, Sardinia and other islands - it's not only exotic, comfortable, but also relatively inexpensive .For those who do not think of rest without a busy night life, it is worth paying attention to the resorts of Riccione and Rimini, and fans of luxury and "fashionable" places of rest should pay attention to tours to Lake Garda .Romantic natures will be crazy about the idea of ​​combining a holiday in Italy at sea with a visit to Venice..They are ideally suited resort Lido di Jesolo, the more so because it is famous for democratic prices on the coast .

Shopping + Excursions

Shopping in Italy is unthinkable without a visit to Milan - although, in truth, any even the smallest town in Italy offers such a choice of shops of all kinds of brands, as well as the most incredible caches, drains and unsurpassed second-hand clothes, that fashion men from all over the world exchange cherished addresses and " calls ».Of course, Milan has more expensive boutiques and branded stores, but multi-brands that are close to the hearts of local residents, including shopkeepers of beginning designers, sometimes offer an assortment not worse, and prices are more democratic ą $ .Do not forget about the "second fashionable capital" of Italy - Rimini .

Italy in 15 minutes

Treatment + Excursions

The thermal resorts of Italy are about three hundred places with magnificent thermal springs - known since the Roman times as thermal springs with baths and special baths for curing various diseases and giving energy .The favorable effect of water on the human body has been known since antiquity, and the location of Italian thermal spas among the most beautiful landscapes can not help better restore psychological balance and inner comfort..The most famous of them are located in Tuscany (for example, Montecatini Terme, Monsummano Terme, Chianciano Terme, Abano Terme or Cachan Terme) .No less famous and popular is the island resort of Ischia in the Bay of Naples, located near Naples and Capri .Near Rome is a magnificent SPA-resort Fiuggi, respectable and not cheap .Do not forget about the thermal rest and treatment on the lakes of Italy: Garda, located between the territories of Trentino, Lombardy and Veneto, as well as Como, Maggiore near the border with Italy and Switzerland..

If you do not plan an independent trip and want to use the services of professionals, then the prices for excursion tours to Italy start from 20 thousand rubles and end in the range of 100-150 thousand. Usually the price includes a flight, hotel accommodation. Food can be included in the price of the tour in part. Visits to museums are paid separately. As for the beach, then the rule applies: the first five meters of the beach from the water are free. And then you have to pay, since most beaches are leased to entrepreneurs.
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Excursion tours to Italy