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Expert Reviews of Jordan Hotels - $

Hotels in Jordan
Elena Bochkova manager of the Jordan and Oman department of the company "Russian Express"
The main resorts of Jordan - the Dead Sea and Aqaba - offer accommodation in hotels of various categories, from 3 * to 5 *.

At the Dead Sea, all infrastructure is located in hotels. The nearest town is the city of Amman. Currently there are only 5 hotels on the Dead Sea: one 4 * hotel and four 5 * hotels with a high level of service.

In Aqaba (Red Sea), hotels for recreation are much larger. Some of them are located in the city of Aqaba, part - in the Tala Bay area (15 min drive from Aqaba). On the first line there are only 5 * hotels. All 4-rooms and 3-rooms are city hotels, except for Coral Bay 3 *.

The choice of a tourist depends only on his personal preferences.

The Dead Sea is a resort suitable for rest and relaxation. Doctors do not recommend children to bathe in the Dead Sea before the age of 4 because of the strong salinity of the water. In the Dead Sea you can not swim in the usual sense of the word. On the water you can only lie relaxed.

The Red Sea will be interesting for lovers of outdoor activities: here you can dive, snorkel, hot air ballooning over the Wadi Rum desert, water sports, and just swim.

In the Dead Sea and Aqaba hotels, a deposit of approximately $ 300 is required upon check-in. per room. The hotels offer food - maximum FB.
Type of rest Resort or hotel Comments
Family vacation Aqaba and the Dead Sea Red Sea: comfortable, gently sloping entrance to the sea and wide beaches. Dead Sea: hotel areas are large, spacious, many pools where children can swim under the care of their parents. Children's clubs are available in all 5 * hotels and in most 4 * hotels in both resorts.
Youth rest Aqaba You can do diving, snorkeling, water sports, including swimming. Other entertainment is also offered, for example, balloon flights over the Wadi Rum desert. Interesting walks around the tourist center of Aqaba and a trip to Petra.
Individual rest, VIP tourists Any hotel 5 * and 5 * deluxe High level of service
Excursion tours Dead Sea In the territory of Jordan there is a huge number of historical monuments. From the Dead Sea hotels it is more convenient (in time) to visit numerous sightseeing sites, mostly located in the north of the country.
Eco-tourism Any Resort Overnight in camping in the desert and nature reserves