Weather forecast for cities in Jordan for a week and 14 days

Aqaba, Aqaba weather forecast for 10 days
Weather in Jordan
March 1, Sunday
+25 ° С in the daytime
+13 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Jordan
March 2, Monday
+23 ° С in the daytime
+11 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Jordan
March 3, Tuesday
+22 ° С in the daytime
+12 ° С night
° С water
Amman, weather forecast in Amman for 10 days
Weather in Jordan
March 1, Sunday
+15 ° С in the daytime
+5 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Jordan
March 2, Monday
+13 ° С in the daytime
+5 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Jordan
March 3, Tuesday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+12 ° С in the daytime
+5 ° С night
° С water
Madaba, weather forecast for Madaba for 10 days

Weather by month in popular resorts in Jordan


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 21 + 22 + 26 + 31 + 35 + 38 + 39 + 39 + 36 + 33 + 27 + 22
night + 9 + 10 + 13 + 17 + 21 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 23 + 20 + 15 + 10
of water + 21 + 20 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 28 + 27 + 25 + 23


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 12 + 13 + 16 + 23 + 28 + 31 + 32 + 32 + 31 + 27 + 21 + 15
night + 4 + 4 + 6 + 9 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 18 + 17 + 14 + 10 + 6


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 13 + 15 + 19 + 24 + 29 + 32 + 34 + 34 + 32 + 27 + 20 + 15
night + 2 + 3 + 5 + 10 + 13 + 16 + 17 + 17 + 15 + 12 + 7 + 3

When is the best time to go on holiday in Jordan - a mild spring or fair in the autumn, and maybe in the summer heat or in the winter cool? The weather in Jordan is quite different in different months of the year, and in order not to get trapped, intending to walk for hours in sightseeing in July or wearing only shorts and a jersey in January, it is useful to get acquainted with our current and accurate guide-guide for choosing a rest time in this interesting Middle East country.

Climate and humidity

In Jordan, the subtropical Mediterranean, sharply continental climate dominates, characterized by hot summers, moderately cool, mild winters and large temperature fluctuations during the day in each month of the year .The climate is very dry, rains fall very little: mainly in the far north of the country, and then - no more than 200 mm per year .The northwestern coastal areas of Jordan boast quite luxuriant vegetation - this is due to the fact that there is enough moisture here .Warm, saturated with moisture, rising air currents from the Mediterranean Sea form rain clouds, which are spilled almost here, without having had time to delve far to the east, to the "continental" territory .Rains are mainly from November to March, early autumn and late spring, they are significantly less, and in summer - and there is no .

Air temperature

The average air temperature in Jordan in winter ranges from +12 .. +15 ° C in the north of the country and near the Dead Sea, +14 .. +16 ° C in the central regions and +20 .. +22 ° C in the south, in Aqaba. In the Wadi Rum desert, the thermometer does not drop below +18 ° C even in January - it's about daytime temperatures, at night it's noticeably cold - around +2 .. +5 ° C. In summer, in Jordan it's hot enough - +31 .. +34 ° C in the north of the country and in the capital, about +34 .. +37 ° C on the coast of the Dead Sea and +37 .. +39 ° C in the extreme south - in Aqaba and desert areas. The heat is tolerated well enough due to the dryness of the air, however, sensitive to high temperatures tourists should avoid summer trips to Jordan.

In July-August, the water in the Red Sea warms up to +28 ° C and does not cool down until the end of October.

Water temperatures

On such a decisive indicator in the matters of beach rest, like the water temperature, Jordan deserves a firm "five plus" .In the Dead Sea from December to April tourists will meet comfortable + 21 .+23 ° C, since June, this is already very comfortable, if not hot, +28 ° C, well, in July and August and at all incredible +31 ° C - so periodically you want to get out of the sea and "cool off" under shower .(However, let's remind: swimming in the Dead Sea in any case should be dosed .) The water temperature off the coast of Aqaba on the Red Sea ranges from +21 ° C to +23 ° C in winter, around + 20 .+23 ° C in the spring months and comfortable + 24 .+26 ° C in summer .In July-August, the water warms up to +28 ° C and does not cool down until the end of October .

When to go

The most favorable time for visiting Jordan is spring (April-May) and autumn (October-November). In the winter, travelers can be caught in rains - but this only applies to the northern regions, in particular to Amman. In the summer it is thoroughly hot throughout the country. You can swim in the Dead and in the Red Seas all year round. Well, and going in the summer for a tour with an overnight stay in the inner desert regions of Jordan (for example, in Wadi Rum), it is necessary to stock up on clothes with a long sleeves - at night here it is chilly even in the middle of summer.

For more information on the weather in Jordan in each of the twelve months of the year, see the Weather in Jordan page by month.