Baikonur cosmodrome

Baikonur, pos. Tyrants

Sights of Kazakhstan Baikonur is the first and largest cosmodrome in the world, located on the territory of Kazakhstan. And the Soviet secret services called it so, trying to confuse the "potential enemy". The fact is that in Kazakhstan there really is a town of Baikonur.

The Nur-Astana mosque is

Astana, Kabanbai Batyr Str., 36

Sights of Kazakhstan The "Nur-Astana" mosque, opened in the capital of Kazakhstan on March 22, 2005, is quite young, but now it represents an undoubted value for the country and one of its most important architectural sights.

Alma-Ata Zoo

Almaty, Ormanova, house 32

Sights of Kazakhstan One of the very first in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Almaty Zoo was established in 1937 in the foothills of Kok-tob. In its huge area, animals and birds live in cages, cages and special water bodies. The zoo is divided into seven segments: predatory mammals, ungulates, primates and aquarium.

Ascension Cathedral of Almaty

Almaty, Gogol, 40 "B"

Sights of Kazakhstan Among the interesting objects of Almaty stands the Holy Ascension Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church standing in the park named after 28 Panfilov guardsmen (former Turkestan cathedral).

Palace of Peace and Accord in Astana

Astana, Manas, d. 57

Sights of Kazakhstan The Palace of Peace and Accord is a delightful structure, which not only amazes with originality and grandeur, but also has great significance for the Kazakh people, symbolizing friendship, unity and peace by its form.

Karaganda Ecological Museum

Karaganda, Bukhar-Zhyrau avenue, 47

Sights of Kazakhstan The Karaganda Ecological Museum (ECOMUSE) was established in 1995 - today it is the only museum of its kind in the territory of not only Kazakhstan, but the whole CIS. The creators of the museum, concerned about the difficult ecological situation in the country, pursued noble goals.

Khodzha Ahmed Yasavi Mausoleum is $ ±​​$

South-Kazakhstan oblast, Turkestan

Sights of Kazakhstan In Kazakhstan, whose history dates back to the ancient past, many cultural monuments and even entire cities have survived, many centuries old. One of such unique and remarkable artifacts is Khoja Ahmet Yasavi Mausoleum, located in the ancient city of Turkestan.


Ile-Alatau National Park

Sights of Kazakhstan The world's largest high-mountain sports complex Medeo is located in the same name of the Zailiysky Alatau near Almaty at an altitude of about 1700 meters above sea level. More than 120 world records were set in Medeo,

Monument "Astana-Baiterek"

Astana, Left Bank of the Ishim River, Blvd. Water-green, 1

Sights of Kazakhstan Beautiful and majestic monument "Astana-Baiterek", whose name is translated from Kazakh as "poplar". Delivered from metal, glass and concrete, with a long barrel crowned with a thick spherical crown made of glass, "Baiterek" shimmers in sunlight in different colors.

Lake Issyk

Issyk Gorge

Sights of Kazakhstan In the Issyk Gorge, which opened in the mountains of the Zailiysky Alatau, that to the east of Almaty, there is Issyk Lake, whose sad history is known all over Kazakhstan and beyond. In the summer of 1963, the mudflow that descended from the mountains from the Issyk River, dared the natural dam on its way.

The Koktobe TV Tower is

Almaty, Mount Kok-Tobe

Sights of Kazakhstan Not reaching the top of the Kok-Tobe mountain, in the southeastern part of Almaty stands the television and broadcasting tower "Koktobe", resting against the sky. The height of the tower is 371 meters above the ground and almost one and a half thousand meters above sea level, making it one of the highest television towers in the world.

Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan - $

Almaty, Samal-1, house 44

Sights of Kazakhstan The history of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recognized as one of the largest and most significant museums of Central Asia, begins many years before its opening in Almaty - and even quite elsewhere.

In the expanses of beautiful and exotic Kazakhstan every traveler is surrounded by a huge number of remarkable objects, both natural and man-made. On a relatively small territory of the country the mountains adjoin the deserts, picturesque lakes with alpine meadows, spacious steppes with dense groves. Here is a completely separate amazing world with a unique nature and stunning landscapes.

Among the natural attractions of Kazakhstan stands the Great Steppe, impregnated with a history of millennia and ancient legends, stretching for millions of kilometers. In the middle of the desert, the "flaming cliffs" of Kiin-Kerish, created under the influence of time, water and wind, striking to the depths of their souls with their bright and piercing beauty, are colorfully displayed.

Not far from the border with China, the enchanting Charyn Canyon stretched for a hundred and fifty kilometers with the "Valley of Castles", which is quite deservedly compared to the American Grand Canyon.

Ashen grove, pyramid-like ancient mountains of Aktau, the mysterious sighing lake Kok-kol and the magic lake Markakol, Lake Issyk, Lake Balkhash, mixed fresh and salt water and threatening to disappear forever, the rocks of Zhety-Oguz ("The Seven Bulls"), the Sak burial mounds , Atybaiidyn-Aktasu, Karabulak gorge, Khan-Tengri peak - all these are fragments of the wonderful and stunningly beautiful natural mosaic of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The modern capital of Kazakhstan is Astana, a city of young and colorful, energetic and modern, a city that decorates unusual architectural structures, whose bold design gives Astana the features of the city of the future. Astana is rich in interesting monuments of history and architecture.

The symbol of the city is the Baiterek monument, opened in 2002, but rooted in the ancient Kazakh legends. This fantastic tower, almost 100 meters high, has become very symbolic for the whole country and reminds people of the eternal confrontation between good and evil.

In 2006, to the radiant appearance of Astana, another admirable building was added - the Palace of Peace and Harmony, executed in the form of a regular pyramid. Inside the pyramid are the concert-opera hall, conference halls, exhibition rooms, greenhouses and much more.

Astana is beautiful and with its mosques, among which is the elegant snow-white Nur-Astana and the largest in all Central Asia, Khazret Sultan, resembling a beautiful eastern palace.

Standing near the wall of the Zailiyskiy Alatau Mountains, which give the city a special charm, Almaty attracts tourists from all over the world with its majestic beauty and easily sinks into the soul..In the city where the capital of Kazakhstan once was, there are also many interesting sights .Among them - Park im .28 Panfilov guardsmen, in the center of which stands the colorful St. Ascension (Zenkovsky) cathedral, which has been preserved since the time of the tsarist era .The Holy Ascension Cathedral is not only one of the most beautiful examples of wooden architecture, but also an important historical and architectural monument of Kazakhstan, which is a breathtakingly colorful spectacle..

In Almaty, there is also the famous sports complex "Medeo" - the highest mountain stadium in the world, intended for winter sports. To see the city from an exciting height in all its glory, you can climb the Kok-Tobe mountain by cable car or by air tram. And at the foot of the mountain stands one of the highest in the world (of course, above sea level) "Kok-Tobe" TV tower.

And, of course, it is impossible to visit Kazakhstan and not to visit the oldest and largest in the world Baikonur cosmodrome, from which the first artificial Earth satellite was launched and the first manned flight into space.