Kale Fortress in Skopje

Skopje, Ul. Lazara Lichenoski

 Attractions in Macedonia On the hilly bank of the Vardar River in the heart of Skopje stands the ancient Venetian fortress of Kale - an unprecedented city symbol, the object of the national pride of Macedonia. The magic park is located on the territory of the fortress, where both citizens and tourists walk with pleasure.

King Samuel Fortress

Ohrid, Samuil's Fortress

 Attractions of Macedonia Perhaps there are no tourists who would have visited Ohrid and did not visit the fortress of King Samuel. This landmark of Macedonia, as a rule, is one of the first places in the mandatory list of excursions, second only to the famous Ohrid lake.

Antique Amphitheater of Ohrid

Ohrid, Ul. Braka Miladinovici

 Attractions in Macedonia Ancient Hellenic amphitheater is located in the old center of Ohrid not far from the sea coast. It was discovered relatively recently and quite by accident. Meanwhile, the construction dates back to the 200th year BC

Skopje Zoo

Skopje, Boulevard Ilinden

 Attractions in Macedonia The history of the Skopje zoo began almost a century ago with the initiative of the young and ambitious scientist Stanko Karaman. The biologist has created a menagerie from almost nothing: four hectares of land and several animals given to him.

Stone Bridge in Skopje


 Attractions of Macedonia The main river of Macedonia is the picturesque Vardar, crossing the territory of Skopje, divides the capital into two parts: the Old and New Towns. Accordingly, in the old part of Skopje you can get acquainted with the main historical monuments of Macedonia: the fortress of Calais, Mustafa Pasha Mosque and many others.

Mustafa Pasha Mosque

Skopje, Fort Kale

 Attractions of Macedonia In the central part of Skopje not far from the Old Market adorns the medieval Mustafa-pasha mosque - the most vivid Islamic monument of Macedonia. The sanctuary was erected about five centuries ago, but is still in excellent condition, as if the time has not touched it.

Monastery of St. Naum


 Attractions of Macedonia Excursions to the sights of Macedonia can not be imagined without visiting the monastery of St. Naum. It is one of the oldest and revered abodes on the territory of the present Macedonian Republic. According to historians, the time of the monastery of Saint Naum dates back to the end of the 9th century.

Macedonian Museum

Skopje, Str. Svekarska

 Attractions in Macedonia Macedonian Museum in Skopje is one of the oldest museums in Macedonia. It was created by combining three metropolitan museums: archaeological, historical and ethnographic. Thus, the museum of Macedonia has turned into the main repository of national culture and centuries-old history.

Museum on water at Ohrid lake

Ohrid, Gradishte

 Attractions of Macedonia About three thousand years ago on the peninsula Gradishte in Ohrid Lake there was a small fishing village. He stood directly on the water, on a high wooden deck about 20 meters from the shore. The "Wooden Island" was connected to the land by a strong drawbridge

National Gallery of Macedonia

Skopje, Ul. Јordan, 18

 Sightseeing in Macedonia In the case of the National Gallery of Macedonia in Skopje it is difficult to determine what is still more interesting: the actual gallery or historical building in which it is located . To clarify that the museum is located in the building of a medieval Turkish bath - Daut Pasha Hammam - the architectural monument of Macedonia.

Galychitsa National Park


 Attractions of Macedonia National Park Galicica - a real outlet for tourists who came to Macedonia from the bustling metropolises. Then you and the beautiful nature with unique and only here there are flowers and trees, and a lot of historical and ethnographic sights.

Pelister National Park


 Attractions of Macedonia You can not truly appreciate the beauty of Macedonia without visiting its national park Pelister. It is located 80 km from Ohrid and about 30 km from Bitola. The total area of ​​the National Park is about 12, 5 thousand hectares.

Lake Prespa

Ohrid, Prespe Lake

 Attractions of Macedonia Lake Prespa is the second pearl of Macedonia. The first is traditionally considered, of course, Ohrid Lake. If Ohrid is entirely in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, then it has to share Lake Prespa with Greece and Albania.

Ohrid Lake

Ohrid, Ohrid Lake

 Attractions of Macedonia Ohrid Lake is rightly considered the national treasure of Macedonia. This is the oldest lake in the Balkans, whose age, according to scientists, at least five million years. Despite such a long existence, Lake Ohrid remains to this day very clean.


Ohrid, Ul. Kaneo Plaoshnik Pateka

 Attractions in Macedonia On the east coast of Ohrid Lake in a beautiful wooded area near the Samuil hardness stretches a large archeological site, known as Plaoshnik. Most of the territory is occupied by the monastery of St. Panteleimon, rebuilt according to old original drawings.

St. John of Kaneo Temple

Ohrid, Ul. Kosta Abras

 Attractions in Macedonia In Macedonia, old churches can not be counted, but if you choose which ones worth visiting, you should first of all call the church of St. John Caneo. The medieval abode is in Ohrid, the spiritual center of Macedonia. This stone church can not be confused with any other.

Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ohrid

Ohrid, Argir Marincev

 Attractions of Macedonia Church of the Holy Virgin The Virgin in Ohrid is one of the most ancient buildings of the city. This is a unique attraction of the old center, famous among tourists, pilgrims and numerous parishioners. The church is a monument of Byzantine architecture and painting.

Church of St. Sophia in Ohrid

Ohrid, Ul. Ilidenska

 Attractions of Macedonia One of the most important monuments of Macedonia - the Church of St. Sophia in Ohrid - appeared in the 11th century AD. Originally it was the cathedral of the Bulgarian archbishops, and during the reign of the Ottoman Empire - a mosque.

Watch Tower Saat Kula

Skopje, Saat Kula

Sights of Macedonia Not far from the center of Skopje stands the medieval clock tower of Saat Kula - one of the brightest city sights. This is definitely the highest clock tower of Macedonia, and maybe the entire Balkan peninsula.

Planning a trip to Macedonia? Correctly do! The republic, though small in area, but in terms of the number of historical and (which is so important in our epoch of megacities) natural attractions will give odds to many European countries. And of course, Macedonia will surprise you with ancient Orthodox churches and monasteries.

First about nature. Visiting card, yes there - the national treasure of the Macedonian Republic is rightly considered Ohrid Lake. About its fabulous beauty you can write for a long time, it's better to come here and see everything yourself. But a couple of words still say. The water in Ohrid Lake is bright blue, and it is so clean that you can see the bottom and its inhabitants at a depth of several tens of meters. For the vast area Ohrid called the Balkan Sea, and in summer here also work beautiful beaches.

In Macedonia, there are many religious attractions, but the Church of St. John Kaneo and the monastery of St. Naum are visited by all tourists without exception.

Other, no less famous attractions of Macedonia - national parks Galicica and Pelister .In the first for tourists, ideal conditions for hiking and cycling are created, and in the second one there is everything for calm and measured rest..And in the first and in the second case, tourists are always accompanied by picturesque landscapes .If during these trips the nature of Macedonia does not have time to bore you, visit the second pearl of this republic - Lake Prespa .Here, by the way, you can stroll along the only Macedonian island called Big City .

And now about the religious sights of Macedonia .Most of the temples and monasteries are in Ohrid, for good reason it is called the spiritual center of the republic .Of the monasteries that are compulsory to visit - the church of Sv .John Caneo and the monastery of Sv .Naumah .The first shrine is located on the territory of Ohrid, but it is hidden from prying eyes, because it stands away from other sights, almost on the cliff edge .Here you can see images of saints dating from the 15th century, and at the same time admire the best view of Ohrid lake .To explore the second monastery, you need to overcome about 30 km from Ohrid .Here, to this day, a sarcophagus with the relics of St. Naum, the disciple of Cyril and Methodius, is stored .As the believers say, if you put your left ear on the coffin, you can even hear the beating heart of a saint..

Of the historical sights of Macedonia, we can not but mention the fortress of King Samuel.

This defensive structure with a length of several kilometers and with several dozen watchtowers appeared here in the 10th century. Anyone who wants to feel like a master of the fortress can climb on its towers. The royal "stronghold" is always open for tourist excursions.