Svetlana Vella new site

Ask the expert Hello! My name is Svetlana Vella, I live and work in Malta (married to a Maltese) and, in fact, I'm interested in everything that is connected with it. It is true that the history of this island nation is full of heroic events and romance, and culture is vivid and diverse. And yet, still ... I am much closer to other topics - the nature of the Maltese archipelago, the daily life and life of its inhabitants, as well as the riddles of the "national Maltese character."

I work for

  1. company HG Russia Ltd - a tour operator for Malta. The main areas of activity: booking rooms in hotels in Malta and Gozo, excursions, yacht charters, property rental, English language training, tickets to Malta, etc.

You can find me here:

  1. company Avatar Ltd., focused on Russian-speaking clients in Malta. In particular, we are proud to release the only Russian-language newspaper "My Malta", registered in the Malta Department of Information. Among other services of the company are private and group excursions, combined tours, yacht charters, legal support, getting a residence, renting and buying real estate ... and other non-standard inquiries.

I also do selection courses in Maltese English language schools (counseling, booking, information support for students).

And I am the editor of the Russian-language newspaper "My Malta".

I'm writing about Malta for

  1. free monthly Russian newspaper "My Malta". The printed edition is registered in the Information Department on 26/02/2010, registration number OPM PRESS 4/2010
  2. of the portal
  3. of the portal

My main "Maltese" passion - eco-tourism and agro-tourism, as well as walking around the islands, I have contacts among Maltese eco-guides, naturalists and nature lovers. About my experience with the nature of the Maltese Islands, I write in my LJ community "Walking on Malta."

On all questions you can write to me at

My home page:

My LJ:

My LJ-community dedicated to hiking on the islands of the Maltese archipelago:

Subscription and advertising in the free monthly Russian newspaper "My Malta" -