A little lower on this page: Weather in Malta by month.

Malta weather forecast for the week and 14 days

Valletta, weather forecast for Valletta for 10 days
Weather in Malta
March 1, Sunday
+13 ° С in the daytime
+12 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Malta
March 2, Monday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+14 ° С in the daytime
+13 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Malta
March 3, Tuesday
+15 ° С in the daytime
+14 ° С night
° С water
Mellieha, Mellieha weather forecast for 10 days
Weather in Malta
March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+13 ° С in the daytime
+11 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Malta
March 2, Monday
+14 ° С in the daytime
+13 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Malta
March 3, Tuesday
+15 ° С in the daytime
+14 ° С night
° С water
Gozo, weather forecast for Gozo for 10 days
Weather in Malta
March 1, Sunday
+12 ° С in the daytime
+11 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Malta
March 2, Monday
+14 ° С in the daytime
+13 ° С night
° С water
Weather in Malta
March 3, Tuesday
+14 ° С in the daytime
+14 ° С night
° С water

Weather in Malta by month

The climate of Malta is subtropical, characterized by cool and humid winters and arid hot summers. Also, since the archipelago lies in the heart of the Mediterranean and does not have mountain ranges, but only not very high hills (and even only in the north of Malta and Gozo), there are windy days in a year. But year-round positive temperatures (which means that it is possible to wear comfortable and elegant clothes, as well as to engage in a wide variety of leisure activities and sports - from hiking to yachting), redeem everything.

In January,

January is a cold month, but there are much clearer days in it than in December. And such days are truly beautiful: with an invigorating, slightly crunchy air, a deep blue sky in which floating herds of clouds, bright, still fresh greens on the plateau and rocks, as well as bright spots of citrus, which in January itself, as they say, . That's just the sun almost does not warm - so let it make a warm, windproof clothing for it.

What flowers and smells: cucumber grass, heather, goose sourdough, almonds, etc.

What keeps up: citrus, cauliflower and broccoli

What to do: first, of course, you need "fun, fun to celebrate the New Year." In Malta, this holiday is less popular than Christmas, but the spectrum of Christmas entertainment is not inferior: holiday lunches and dinners that offer restaurants and hotels, parties, discos. The season of winter holidays begins in Malta early (it starts to be prepared already from November) and ends on January 6 (Epiphany) - after this date the Maltese get rid of Christmas trees and festive ornaments.

With the end of winter holidays, the prices in the hotels fall sharply, so if you want to get out for a really cheap holiday, you should go there after the New Year .If the weather permits, take a camera and go explore the archipelago and its treasures - on foot, by bus, on a rented car .If the weather is not lucky, you can relax and unwind in the spa (in winter they are promoted by all 5 * -hotels in Malta), or spend time in numerous museums, or pre-plan to devote this time of year to in-depth study of English - the benefit prices are lower than summer ones, groups of students are small, and the contingent itself is not otvyaznaya youth, and mature, serious people .

Average air temperature: + 13 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 15, 4 ° C.

In February

February is a very capricious and fickle month in terms of weather: solar periods can alternate with rainy several times a day .In February, however, the north-east wind blows, a severe and strong wind that makes the sea worry so enthusiastically that Aivazovsky never dreamed of $ $..In the same month, at last the land begins to blossom - the abundance of precipitation that fell out in September last year is $ ±​​$.Despite the fact that February is a winter month, by the end of the month it begins to smell in the air tangibly in the spring - perhaps the airy, joyful and spring mood supports almonds, blooming tenderly and touching .

What flowers and smells: cucumber grass, goose sour, almonds, daffodils, spurge, clover, asphodel, crocus, stone roses, irises, orchids, zlatotsvet, snapdragon, etc.

What keeps up: citrus, artichokes, cauliflower and broccoli.

What to do: the same as in January - to wait untidy days in the SPA, a language school classroom or museum halls and walk through the mountains and along the dales on sunny days. One of the popular February "entertainment" in Malta is the observation (and photographing) of storms, but you need to do this from a safe distance and from a safe haven: the elements here do not like joking.

February in Malta has traditionally been associated with the name of St. Paul the Apostle, whose ship, according to the biblical Acts of the Apostles, was shipwrecked off the coast of Malta near the city of St. Paul's Bay. The annual festival in his honor is magnificently celebrated in Valletta on February 10 - it is worthwhile to spend a day in the capital of Malta interested in local traditions.

Average air temperature: + 12, 5 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 14, 9 ° C.

In March

If in the end of February the spring starts to be felt in the air, then in March it declares itself already with might and main - the warm and dry (though rains do happen) days, yellowing fields, some easily perceptible joy in the air. Nevertheless, evenings and especially nights are still cold, so it's not time to give up winter clothes.

What blooms and smells: milkweed, orchids (among them - endemic pyramidal), goose kislitsa (it has overgrown the entire archipelago), hyacinths, gladiolus, poppies, thistles, asphodel, clover, zlatotsvet, etc.

What keeps up: green beans, which are as good as in the traditional soup kusksu, and fresh; artichokes.

What to do: Walking in nature, going to museums - including in the open air (megalithic temples in the first place), sunbathing (do not be lazy about smudging with sunscreen!). If you have Carnival in March, you should definitely visit the traditional Maltese (Valletta and Floriana) and the spontaneous Gozitan (Nadur) and enjoy the prinyolata (sweet cake with pine nuts).

What will the Maltese proverbs and signs of March tell us?

  • "If creepers creep out and the butterflies start fluttering, it means that the earth is warm and ready to bloom" - run from boring cities to nature!
  • "March Martok, you're in a coat and a hat" - in March afternoon it can be quite hot (especially in the sun), but in the evening - well, very chilly! (Wed, "Come the Martock - put on three portcaps").
  • "In March the rain does not pour very often" - but it is better to always have an umbrella or raincoat with you!
  • "In March, young girls often squish their nose" - and all because they do not dress for the weather! Do not be like them, young and stupid, and just in case, take with you the usual medications for cold.

In general, March in Malta - a controversial month, it is hot, then cold, then dry, then damp. Take an umbrella, an inflatable windbreaker, strong waterproof shoes (in case of a shower), a warm sweater and socks, but at the same time - a shirt with a sleeve, sunglasses and - yes-yes - sun-protection cream.

Average air temperature: +14 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 15 ° C.

In April

"Spring is coming - spring is the way! "April in Malta is probably the best month of the year, since the winter cold has already left, but the summer has not yet fallen to the ground with the heat of the summer..Moreover, everything is blooming around, and the Maltese celebrate Easter - the most joyous holiday of the Catholic year .Birds are flooded with all voices (unfortunately, the hunting season also opens in April, so do not be surprised by "people with guns") .The archipelago in all its glory should be watched this month: well, what else, that early to bathe - when the sea warms up, all the blossoming magnificence of Malta will come to naught, having lost, as always, to the ruthless southern sun .

What flowers and smells: citrus (oh, this divine fragrance!), Orchids, daisies, thistles, poppies, birdworts, purifiers, gladiolus, endemic gozitan immortelle, kalas (flowers of Holy Week), lion's ears, bindweeds, etc.

What keeps up: strawberries, Japanese medlar, green beans.

What to do: Walking in nature, going to open-air museums, sunbathing. In April, the Catholic Easter usually falls out - be sure to visit the magnificent Grand Streets with statues of the Passion and the procession of Old and New Testament characters, as well as the Easter procession, where the statue runs (literally) through the streets .The most magnificent processions are the processions in Ormi, Most, Zebugge (there you can order an excursion) and Zeitoun .On Easter, it's also worth trying the figolli (gingerbread with almond stuffing), and before it, during Lent - Sphinej (puff pastry with anchovies), quaresimal (walnut cookies) and zeppoli (something like small eclairs) ±​​$ br >.

In April, you can also visit traditional village festivals, the most famous of which is perhaps the Strawberry Festival in Mgarra. At the end of April, there is usually a festival of fireworks (although the local pyrotechnics preserve their best works for the summer season).

What will the Maltese proverbs and signs of April tell us?

  • "April reveals all the flowers, and glory goes to May" - you will see such a variety of flowering plants in Malta only this month.
  • "Lamb is a lot, little potatoes" - lamb meat is traditionally cooked for Easter, well, and all the potatoes go to the garnish!
  • "A drop of rain in April costs a pood of gold" - water from heaven in this month nourishes, rather than destroys crops.
  • "When the wasp begins to buzz, the winter goes away" - in April, with the end of winter showers, a lot of insects appear.

In general, April in Malta can be considered a full-fledged spring month, blooming and warm. Take with you (or buy on site) a windbreaker, or even better - a quilted sleeveless jacket, clothes with a long and short sleeve, a hat from the sun, sunglasses and a cream, and also a comfortable walking shoes: this is the best time for walking around the cities and weights.

Average air temperature: +16, 5 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 15, 9 ° C.

In May

The Mediterranean spring is so beautiful - and, alas, so short. In May, flowers and grasses swiftly fade and wilt, as the rain almost never happens. The sun begins to perceptibly perekat. If you like to walk in nature, May is your last chance (and then to the middle): then the days will be too hot to make long sorties. But sunbathing (and especially bold - and plunged into the water) is already possible with might and main.

What flowers and smells: pomegranate trees, bird-birds, poppies, creepers, acanthus, capers, wild artichokes, peaches, tamariski, irises, etc.

What keeps up: strawberries (at the end), Japanese medlar (at the end), the first apricots

What to do: Walk in the countryside (this is your last chance before the onset of summer, do not miss it!), Go to museums - including in the open air, sunbathe (do not be lazy about smudging with sunscreen!), Hastily plunge into the sea (the water is still cold , but already tolerable).

This month, there are still village festivals. By May, nevertheless, the navigation season opens, so all these colorful boats, boats and yachts that attract the eye are at your service!

What will the Maltese proverbs and signs of May tell us?

  • "In May, winds are blowing, and the sea is ready for this" - there are such days in May when a strong wind comes from nowhere - and flies away to anywhere.
  • "May is the month of flowers and heat" - this is the last spring month, when there is still the opportunity to admire the flowers, just do not put it off: the greens begin to fade.
  • "May - the child-fidget" - really very unpredictable weather forecast in Malta this month!
  • "A mother who loves her child will wear it warmer in May" is not the time to wear summer clothes.

In general, May in Malta - is the transition from spring to summer: it's warm, it's already hot, then the breeze will blow, then the heavy wind will fly. Take with you (or buy on site) an inflatable windbreaker, clothes with a long and short sleeves, a hat from the sun, sunglasses and a cream - and do not be lazy to use it regularly: alas, it's time.

Average air temperature: + 20 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 17, 5 ° C.

In June

If May is a rehearsal for the Maltese summer, then June is his dress rehearsal. This month, hot (but still relatively tolerant) days are set, the sea is warming up to its second half so much that local residents begin to climb into it reluctantly, and vegetation struggles for survival from the last forces, although the occupation is useless: the sun turns from another into enemy. The rains will no longer be all summer, so you can safely clean raincoats and umbrellas (and along with all the long-sleeved clothes with a long sleeve) in the box.

What flowers and smells: Palaeocentaura (Malta's national flower, paleoendemic), wild artichokes, thyme, prickly pear, acanthus, pomegranate trees, capers, etc.

What ripples: figs (the first harvest, "byte"), blackberries (wild), capers (you can collect and salting / marinate) - but it's easier to buy, of course.

What to do: Finally - to sunbathe and swim! All useful (and useless, but pleasant) ways of pastime move closer to the sea - all kinds of water sports (kayaking, water skiing, wakeboarding and others), day cruises and evening discos on the deck, and diving. Active life also moves closer to the dark time of the day - in bars and clubs there is nowhere an apple to fall on summer evenings and nights.

In the same month begins the "great and terrible" season of religious fest - fireworks start to rattle and sparkle in different parts of the island. Traditionally, the festivals of the south of the island are more magnificent and authentic than the "northern ones."

Walking in nature can now be done only in the early morning (hours before 8 am) or after sunset: local pedestrian amateurs arrange evening outings with a flashlight.

For fans of folklore, however, there is an outlet in June - the traditional feast of St. Peter and Paul, he also Mnarya (June 29), when the merry settlers with songs go to the forest Buskett. There is also a local analogue of VDNKh - farmers display the best fruits of their labor - from wheat and pumpkins to chickens and rabbits.

Average air temperature: + 24 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 21, 1 ° C.

In July,

In July, the Mediterranean summer finally reigns in Malta .With all its "delights" - heat, days without a single gust of wind, wet hot air .However, not everything is so scary: just do not go out from 11 am to 4 pm (it's best to have a snack and arrange a siesta in the meantime - all Maltese do it, but they already know this!) .But all the rest of the day is a fresh warm morning, when it's so nice to swim and walk along the embankment, and a languid summer evening, which is undoubtedly created for gatherings in a close friendly company with wine, shish kebabs, fruit salads and ice cream - yours without a trace!

What flowers and smells: almost all in the "summer hibernation" - until the first autumn rains. Pleasure the eye except that oleanders and various decorative flowers on the flower beds. In the nature in July, do, alas, nothing.

What keeps up: peaches, watermelons and melons, tomatoes, eggplants.

What to do: The same as in June: to sunbathe and swim, go on cruises, practice water sports, dance to a drop in night discos, attend festivals (I recommend Tal-Karmna in Zurri). Follow the posters: at the height of the tourist season in Malta with tours, there may be famous performers.

Average air temperature: + 27 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 24, 1 ° C.

In August

Survive August and ... actually, and what to experience it, they need to enjoy in full, since this is the apotheosis of the summer: the hottest days, the warmest sea, the noisiest festivals, the most delicious vegetables and fruits ... Behave wisely (that is the same way , as in the hot July) and everything will be as it should!

What flowers and smells: except for garden flowers that water.

What keeps up: Tomatoes (according to the Maltese expression, they can paint the walls in red - they are also time to dry up in the sun), watermelons and melons, figs (second crop, "tin"), figs of prickly pears, grapes (in the second half of August)

What to do: The same as in June and July: sunbathe (a little and carefully) and swim (from the heart), swim on boats and boats, scuba diving, go in for water sports, hang out in the local mecca of nightlife - Pacevile, admire mastery of Maltese pyrotechnics on village festivals, drinking wine with friends and frying shish kebabs on the seashore, etc.

Separately it is worth mentioning all the August holiday of August - Assumption of the Virgin, he is Santa Maria (August 15). Malta and Gozo with a single impulse celebrate it simultaneously in 8 villages and cities (if you climb the Tas Salib hill off Sidgivvy, you can admire all the pyrotechnic shows of Malta at the same time at once). The same date is linked to the breakthrough of the Malta blockade, when on August 15, 1942 the British convoy delivered food and fuel to the island. And, of course, this is a favorite day (or rather, evening) of family gatherings, such a summer Christmas.

Average air temperature: + 30 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 25, 8 ° C.

In September,

In early September, summer begins to give up their positions, though not without a fight .At the beginning of the month as sultry and stuffy as in August, but not so sunny .Nature seems to be hiding before the first rains, which, as a rule, fall on the archipelago this month (September showers, by the way, helped the Knights-Ioannites win the Great Siege of 1565) .But the first autumn rains and thunderstorms are a real blessing for the scorched earth of the summer sun, they are short, warm and carry a colossal charge of positive energy: the earth wakes up to a new life .

What blooms and smells: elec.

What keeps pace: in the first half of September, you can still find almost everything that was in August - except, perhaps, figs.

What to do: The same as in summer: the water in September, the temperature of "fresh milk," by the second half of the month, the heat begins to subside, so that you can stay a little longer on the beach. It's getting windier. The tourist public is beginning to change: teenagers and children are leaving, in the autumn it's time to go to school, people begin to come to the age, who likes the velvet season.

Thresh the last festivals (the most grandiose of September - Madonna Tal-Grazia in Zabbar). Separately it is worth mentioning the local Victory Day (September 8), which coincides with the Feast of the Nativity of the Virgin. On this day, a traditional regatta is arranged, which can be viewed from the bastions of Three Cities or Valletta.

Going to walk for a long time is still impossible - it is still too hot, well, except at the sea, which periodically will need to climb, which is to cool down. And how should you store drinking water: September is stuffy.

Average air temperature: + 24, 5 ° C. Average water temperature: + 25, 2 ° C.

In October

Velvet season in all its glory! This month in Malta, you can "combine incongruous", namely - to walk and swim. After the September downpours, the earth begins to wake up, and the first greens and flowers appear. This is an unusually romantic time with a slight sadness: the day is still warm, but the wind is already cool, and the rains are no-no, yes go. Very soon it will be necessary to clean beach towels and swimsuit with swimming trunks far into the closet, get clothes warmer and with a long sleeves ... but in October you can still enjoy the echoes of the Maltese summer. "Autumn" travelers are not at all like "summer" travelers: they are serious and inquisitive, they go around and travel around the archipelago (the weather in Malta allows) or they learn English - not for "a tick", but for themselves.

What blooms and smells: dubrovnik, kermek, elecampane, rosemary.

What keeps up: olives, pomegranates.

Things to do: Sunbathe and swim (no risk of frying in the sun), and also - hurray! - walk around the island for at least a day without a break .After a long summer season, I really want to ponder ... not only my legs, but also my brains, which once again nearly melted from the heat..So in October, God himself ordered to equip himself more comfortably and to go on the Maltese and Gozitan valleys and hills - or, conversely, in cities and villages .Combine the study of the archipelago with the study of English, which after classes can be practiced in their "wanderings" around the islands - an excellent option for October .A more traditional tourist may prefer hiking in museums and exhibitions .And someone who can not live without the sea, you need to hurry: the main navigation will close soon with the approach of the Mediterranean winter, so hurry to go to the last year more or less long cruises .

Average air temperature: + 22 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 23, 2 ° C.

In November,

Almost the same as in October, except that the air is steadily getting colder, and rains are happening, and cloudy days are increasing. However, to all this in Malta are treated with understanding: the land and crops, which once again experienced a severe Maltese summer, so you need coolness and moisture. The wind becomes cold and at times quite strong, so fans of sea storms can observe the raging elements - of course, from a safe distance. In general, the weather in Malta this month is quite unpredictable.

November, however, is not as severe as it wants to seem. He gives to the Maltese and guests of the island a delightful in the local latitudes Indian summer, which here is called the summer of St. Martina. The colors of the sky and the earth, already covered with the first greens, are delicious, there is no wind, the sun is hot, and you can even bathe.

What blooms and smells: dubrovnik, kermek, elecampane, arizarum, heather, etc. What keeps up: olives, pomegranates, pumpkins. At the feast of St. Martina children traditionally receive as a gift the so-called "sac. Martina ", in which there are delicious gifts of nature: dried figs, dates, nuts of all sorts, etc. What to do: Walking, studying, going to museums ... If you like this type of active tourism, and you do not want to spend a lot of money, then November is the most it: the high tourist season ends in October, and hotel accommodation costs much less. $

November in the archipelago is the "month of the dead", when the gates of the cemeteries remain open, and the islanders come to visit their deceased in crowds, decorating the graves with flowers. In Malta, there are several historical cemeteries (Addolorata, Ta 'Braxia, Garden of Rest), so you can stroll through them, quenching the thirst for the celebration of Halloween (which in Malta did not take root).

Average air temperature: +18 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 20, 6 ° C.

In December,

December is the beginning of the Maltese winter, that is, the cool season. In December, winds and prolonged rains are frequent (sometimes in the form of completely crazy showers, so only a dense raincoat and rubber boots will be saved), but there are also warm, clear days. In general, dress for the season, and in December you will be comfortable. This month, the land is finally covered with a green carpet, which will make the walks more interesting.

What flowers and smells: heather, daisies, etc.

What keeps up: Citrus.

What to do: It depends on what weather is in the yard - it's clear to run to the nature clear and enjoy the greenery, to the rainy one - either hide under the roof, study English in language schools or spend time in museums..And at any time (it would be the mood) - to stroll around the local "shopping hubs" such as Sliema, Valletta, Bridges, Paola and look out for Christmas gifts, which in Malta are beginning to be prepared from the middle of November! They decorate the streets and storefronts, lay out all the delicious things on the counters (for example, the traditional honey amount of a'-ta-Assel) and seductive ... Here and there they set a "presepe" - Christmas darts, not only static, but also "live" for example, in the Gozitan village of Ainsil .

It seems that Christmas is not so important in Malta as the preparation for it (shopping! Shopping!), However it can be met traditionally, on the eve of the holiday, going to a solemn mass (in which children in costumes of Joseph, Mary, angels and .). And the next day, gathering a pleasant company at a Christmas table in a restaurant or even a hotel (many hotels offer booking of festive lunches and dinners on the eve and Christmas day). And there already the New Year is just around the corner ...

Average air temperature: + 14, 5 ° C.

Average water temperature: + 17, 4 ° C.

Author - Svetlana Vella.

Monthly weather forecast for popular resorts in Malta is


Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 15 + 15 + 16 + 19 + 23 + 27 + 30 + 30 + 28 + 24 + 20 + 16
night + 9 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 14 + 18 + 21 + 21 + 20 + 17 + 13 + 11
of water + 14 + 14 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 21 + 24 + 25 + 25 + 22 + 19 + 16