Which excursions in Mexico are the most interesting?

Responds Julia Kazmina
Mexico has a lot of interesting excursions, it all depends on the area where you will be.

Mexico is unthinkable without an excursion to the pyramids of Teotihuacan, Cancun without an excursion to Chichen Itza and Shkaret Park.

In general, in Mexico it is worth to see Palenque, Merida, Uxmal, Taxco, Copper Canyon, Yashchilan, Campeche, and many more -

Answer Natalia Viktorova
In my opinion, there are no interesting excursions in Mexico

If you are in Mexico City, then you need to visit the Anthropological Museum, Teotihuacan , The Presidential Palace with frescoes of Diego Riviera, the Frida Kahlo museum is at least

If you are in Cancun, then you must visit: Chichen Itza, Koba and Tulum - it would seem all these are pyramids, but they are different! Shkaret Park is a one-day tour all over Mexico - it's also mandatory to visit!

If you want to spend an active time, then the Exclusive and Shel Ha fun parks for you.

Depending on the season, swimming with a tiger shark is an unforgettable sight!

I always advise you to combine leisure in Mexico with sightseeing tours - this will help you to see the maxims of the sights, depending on the chosen duration of the tour, for 3-8 days (many of which are not available in the form of one-day excursions.)

December 19, 2013

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