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Make a reservation at the hotel in Morocco at the best price

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Expert Reviews of Morocco Hotels

 Morocco hotels
Reviews of the Subtleties
Morocco has many hotels for a wide variety of tastes and purses: from small private guesthouses to just a few rooms to representative offices of international hotel chains.
For a 5- 10 dirhams, almost every Moroccan will not only show where the nearest hotel is located, but also spends it.

Exotic accommodations

The classification of hotels in Morocco is pretty standard: from one star (the simplest ones) to a 5- star luxury apartments. According to the local classification, one- and two-star hotels are divided into: auberge or a small inn in the suburbs, riad - small guest houses in the city, rural gîtes d'étape - roadside inns. Despite the simplicity of the interiors, breakfast is included in most hotels, in some even dinner.

So, let's look at the local exotics in more detail.

Auberges can be found mainly in villages or in small towns. As a rule, they are made in the traditional "kasbah" style (kasbah). Many of them are equipped with wood fireplaces, salons-living rooms, and also terraces for food intake. Basically, these are very hospitable family hotels, which gives them coziness and charm in the eyes of tourists.

Riads: in Marrakech, Fez, Essaouira, Meknes and other cities "with a history" tourists can stay in riads - old merchants houses with luxurious furnishings and picturesque gardens converted to hotels. Usually the riads consist of 5-6 rooms: they are quite small, clean and cozy in them, and places for eating are organized in gardens or terraces directly on the roof, which is very useful in the local climate. Some riads even have small pools, where it is so nice to take a dip on a hot summer day.

Gîtes d'étape is more a haven for lovers of extreme trips through the mountains and the desert. In the mountains, these are small hotels of the type "auberges", with breakfast included. In the desert - tent camps, where the list of amenities includes a hot shower, a field kitchen and the proper place to sleep.

Traditional accommodation and prices

Of course, in Morocco, there are many traditional hotels, mainly located in large cities and resort areas of the country. The low-priced hotels include hostels (from 50 dirhams) and small 1-2 * hotels (from 65 dirhams a day). As a rule, they are in the historical part of the cities - Medina.

Except for large hotels, most hotels are experiencing problems with hot water supply. In hotels in Marrakech, Mhamida, Ouarzazate, be prepared for a dramatic change in the water temperature during the adoption of water procedures. And in some economy-class hotels there may be no hot water, or an additional fee (5-10 dirhams) is charged for the hot shower.

In the new urban areas, you can find more modern hotels that will cost around 75 dirhams a day. Most hotels, especially in the historic center, are equipped with magnificent roof terraces, where you can even sleep on especially hot nights. If you do not need a separate room, you can rent a mattress for 25 dirhams and sleep on the terrace.

The cities also have tent camps or campsites, some of them are located quite close to the center. Most of these camps have running water, electricity and a café. And in the suburbs and small towns, even if there is no organized parking lot, local residents will gladly give you a place under the tent, water and the opportunity to cook food near their homes. However, before you camp, it is worth asking permission in advance.