What is the weather like in Agadir in October?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Due to the large differences in the terrain and the proximity of the capricious Atlantic, the climate in Morocco varies considerably throughout the country .On the Mediterranean coast, the country's climate is mild, subtropical, with hot summers and moderately cold winters .The temperature reaches + 29 ±​​$ in the summer .+ 35 ° C, and in winter + 15 .+ 20 ° C, in the mountains -15 ° C .Summer heat is well tolerated thanks to a cool ocean breeze .Average water temperature + 18 .+ 21 ° C .In the mountains, even on the hottest days, the temperature does not rise above +15 ° C, in winter some peaks are covered with snow .Snow at an altitude of 2000 meters lies more than 5 months a year .

In Agadir, the air temperature even in December falls below +18 .. +22 ° C, in the summer, thanks to the cool current, there is no exhausting heat - the average temperature is +28 .. + 30 ° C. The average water temperature is +18 .. + 21 ° C. October same figures of air in Agadir are at daytime at around +24 ° C, at night + 15 ° C, water temperature + 19 ° C

See also the current weather forecast in Agadir for the coming days here

August 16, 2012

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