Namib Desert is one of the oldest on earth, its age is estimated by scientists in 60-80 million years. The desert is striking in its variety of landscapes - brown weathered rocks, numerous canyons of dry rivers, huge wandering dunes and vast rubbish heaths interspersed with tiny oases.

One of the wonders of the world is the Namib desert (English)

In the heart of Namib Desert there is Namib-Naukluft National Park, one of the largest reserves in the world..Here you can see elephants, lions, rhinoceroses and giraffes, as well as the national symbol of Namibia - a unique plant "rose of the desert", individual specimens of which are up to 2000 years old .Within the park there are a lot of unique landscape monuments - the plains of Velvichia-Plains, the mountains of Naukluft, the "bird paradise" of the sandwich-Harbor lagoon, the Sesrim canyon up to 30 m deep and the colossal dune area around the Sossufly oasis .In the season of Sossuflej rains to the delta of the river Chauchab flies a lot of birds, including - the famous flamingo .

Photos of Namiba (24)