Amsterdam has long become the capital of freedom and, of course, shopping. Antique, secondhand, jewelry stores - this is the visiting card of this city. But even for the inexperienced shopaholics there is a shop or a flea market in the soul. So, go ahead for Amsterdam - spend money!

Shops here work from Tuesday to Friday from 9-10 am to about 18-00. The exception is Thursday, on this day the doors of the outlets are open until 9 pm. On the first day of the week, stores open around noon, and on Sunday they do not work at all. Of course, there are exceptions:

Shops and shopping streets in Amsterdam

«9 streets»

Nine streets of Amsterdam form the well-known district of 9 streets. Shopping here is unforgettable! 5 minutes from Dam Square, and shoppers, boutiques, bars and cafes, where you can rest before the next race and have a cup of aromatic coffee, before lovers of shopping.

 Lovers of unusual things here have an unprecedented choice of vintage and modern clothes, including number of little-known but noteworthy brands, and in local second-hand sometimes you can dig out a truly rare thing.
Shopping in Amsterdam
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If for some people the names of Vivienne Westwood, Dexter Wong - not an empty phrase, then famous designer clothing stores are waiting for their fans at the corner of Heidenstraat and Keizersgracht. Fans of shoes, too, can find something to profit in the area. After all, what's on your feet is a pledge not only of beauty, but also of health. Try to run all day around the city in shoes from the skin of young dermatina.

And, of course, do not forget that shopping in Amsterdam is unthinkable without visiting erotic shops. Even do not buy, but look at the sex store just need to!

Without jewelry and cosmetic stores, too, has not been done - it all depends on the solvency and imagination. Those who like to stand by the stove, creating culinary masterpieces, will please the store for Restrat. Without the dishes from the Spanish faience, you just can not escape.


This is a very busy and noisy street, where a lot of shops are crowded with famous brands. But in principle, it is no different from other shopping areas, except that there are more people. Two huge shopping malls and several department stores. So the turn will be where.

Harlemmerstraat (Harlemmerstraat)

If the usual shopping bored you, then this area is what you need. A huge selection of truly non-standard and unusual things is waiting for buyers in more than 230 stores. Conservatism is something that can not be found here for any money. Fresh original ideas, designer clothes from fashion designers unknown to the general public, accessories, gifts, toys, jewelry - forward, to hunt for real pleasure.


This street has been trying for many years to compete with Culverstrat and the 9 Streets area for the title of the largest trade zone, but for the time being it is holding confident bronze. The highlight of this street is to taste creative homemakers - a kitchen, where you can buy beautiful designer clothes for your house.

Amsterdam's main shopping avenue is Shopping in Amsterdam
Amsterdam's main shopping avenue is
Flea Market in Amsterdam Shopping in Amsterdam
Flea Market in Amsterdam
Tulips in Amsterdam Shopping in Amsterdam
On the flower market

PK Hoftstraat

This street is located in the notorious museum area of ​​Amsterdam and itself resembles a museum. If your wallet is not packed with currency to the eyeballs, then to admire the bright showcases is all you can afford. But this is also curious to do.

Markets of Amsterdam

And, of course, it is impossible not to talk about the markets. Because stores are just shops, even very famous and expensive. Coloring the country and the city attached to the markets. For today in a city it is possible to count some tens of the street markets which operating time usually coincides with operation time of shops. Many markets have their own focus - for example, flowers or books.

Albert Cuyp Market

Herbs, spices, products of really high quality and at very low prices - all this can be bought in this market on Albert Köyp Street from 1904 to the present.

Antique market-De Loir

Between the streets of Loirsgracht and Elandsgracht is this indoor market. Anyone who is interested in antiques can find to themselves both a seller and a buyer, because on certain days a counter can be rented.

Art market Art Plain Spyo

Every weekend 25 artists sell their works here, replacing each other every week. Live music accompanies the exhibition-sale, so the place is truly unique.

Flower market

The only market in the world where counters with products are located directly on the water in special houses. Bulbs, seeds, fresh flowers - a huge selection all year round. More details - on the page flowers of Holland.

Flower market in the center of Amsterdam

Book market

In the heart of the city, traders with old books, photos and posters are ready to offer buyers sometimes truly unique items collected from all over the Netherlands.

The farm market at the Nordenmarkt

Although this market is very few years old, a whole book has been published about it! The popularity is explained by the quality of products - it is very difficult to find a really healthy food in a modern metropolis. So connoisseurs of healthy food direct way to the area of ​​Jordan.

The Dappermarkt Market

It is located along the same street. International products provide a rich choice. Clothes, shoes, knick-knacks and many other items. A very lively and interesting place will be pleased with low prices and colorful views, which makes it one of the attractions of Amsterdam.

Farm Market Markt

Indoor market with real Dutch products. The peculiarity of this market is that only bank cards are accepted here, no cash.

Market Postgelmarkt

Numismatists and collectors of all countries - this market is for you! It is located on the street behind the Royal Palace in the heart of the city, but a quiet atmosphere is provided to all visitors, and the opportunity to find something unique for your collection is considered a bonus.

Flea market Waterlopen

Once upon a time, Amsterdam was the Mecca for all the hippies who visited this market, which has a rich history, and since that time it is considered one of the best places where you can buy original and inexpensive clothes, as well as various attributes.

Market Westermarkt

Located on the street Westerstrat and is one of the largest centers of trade in clothing and footwear. Low prices are due to the fact that the goods are either confiscated or a marriage of famous world brands. In addition, you can buy second-hand goods, cosmetics, books.

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Shopping in Amsterdam