What documents are needed at the border when entering Norway and what documents are needed for children?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
For citizens of Russia, when traveling to Norway, which is part of the Schengen agreement, a visa is required. Regardless of the purpose of the trip, it is necessary to present a passport with a validity of at least 3 months after the visa, a medical insurance policy with a minimum coverage of EUR 30,000, 2 color photos, fill out a questionnaire in English or Norwegian and pay a consular fee of 35 EUR.

The list of other documents depends on the purpose of the trip: private, business, tourist or transit. It can be copies of invitations, insurance and other documents, including those received by fax and e-mail, as well as the originals of the specified documents.

For children since March 2010, according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, a personal passport is required. In addition, to obtain a Schengen visa, you need a certificate from the child's place of study (if he studies) and the presentation of a birth certificate or internal passport (when you reach 14 years). Also children under the age of 6, schoolchildren and students are exempted from paying a consular fee for issuing a visa.

If the child travels without parents accompanied by a third person or accompanied by one of the parents, then it is necessary to provide notarial consent of both parents or the remaining parent to travel abroad with a specific accompanying person, with the indication of his name. To provide a document on exit consent, you must have copies of the first pages of the parents' internal passport (the first page of the passport and the page with the residence permit).

January 16, 2014

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