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Vampires invented a great idea: they composed some Dracula, replicated this image, horrified people, and now they quietly drink the blood of fans of evil spirits. And do not even chase them - impressionable people in search of thrills come to the Romanian castle Bran. According to legend, here once lived Dracula, and for this bait every year come across tens of thousands of people.

Experts have not yet proven that vampires live in Bran. But in fact, not all of these myths appeared in an empty place. Especially the castle remains practically in its original form. At night, screams are heard near him, and in the morning there is a distinct smell of blood.


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Flight search to Cluj-Napoca (nearest a / p to Transylvania) - $
  • 2 Castle History
  • 3 And was Dracula
  • 4 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Brana
    • 4.1 We also recommend

How to get

The castle is located in the town of Bran - it is 30 kilometers from Brasov and 20 from Ryshnov. You can get here by bus from Brasov - flights depart every 30 minutes. You will spend less than half an hour on the way.

Flight search to Cluj-Napoca (nearest a / p to Transylvania) - $

Castle History

This castle is perhaps the most tourist place in Romania. At the end of the 14th century local people built it at their own expense. For this state, they were exempted from paying taxes for several centuries ahead.

Originally Bran, like other castles in Europe, served to protect the town. Its corridors and halls form a labyrinth. Apparently, in order for the uninvited guest to get lost in it. After all, their people know all the moves and loopholes.

Bran changed many owners, passed from one owner to another. After the proclamation of Great Romania, the castle was presented to Queen Mary as a token of love and devotion of the Romanians to this woman. So Bran became a royal residence. Today the castle is a kind of historical museum in the open air. Here you can see how the Romanians used to live. But Bran acquired the greatest fame thanks to Count Dracula.

Dracula's Castle in Transylvania Bran
Entrance to the castle of Draculahttp: // export = view & id = 1TMR3YCd52tYbxFMkSBrOJYZzatFXCnBQ Bran
Castle Bran spring, Romaniahttp: // export = view & id = 1_nQaZEcAbD3AgT2naQHHVIpannbyRtVT Bran

And was Dracula

In fact, Dracula does not have anything to do with it at all. According to legend, the Romanian count Vlad Tepes was here a pass, perhaps he stopped a couple of times. On this story of his relationship with Bran ends.

Some inquisitive researchers claim that the earl was thrown into the castle's dungeons, as he fell out of favor with the Hungarian king Matthias Hunyadi. Dracula was in prison, thinking about his life, and in breaks he was tortured. Maybe that's why screams are still being heard right next to the castle?

But the human imagination is much stronger than historical references: if people decided that this castle is Dracula, then so be it. In the middle of the 20th century, fans of Bram Stoker were drawn to Romania. They were looking for the same castle, which is described in the writer's novel. They liked Bran - the castle was very similar to the description. That Count Dracula has found his residence.

Moreover, the American director Francis Coppola allocated money for the restoration of Bran, when he shot his version of "Dracula."

4 things to do in Bran
  1. Buy the traditional Transylvanian ceramics, masks and crafts made of wood - such souvenirs are sold in lots in shops near the castle. This is not just a souvenir - it's Bran's trademark.
  2. Trying local cheeses is another attraction of Romania. Cheeses are delicious enough to cause dizziness. Some varieties are "packed" in a tree bark.
  3. Get something vampire - let Dracula and the company are fiction, but in Brane are sold gloomy masks, false jaws, artificial blood and other attributes of blood lovers. By the way, good things for role-playing games.
  4. Lie down or sit in a coffin - not necessarily in his, you can use coffins in bars. In some cafes the shops are made in the form of coffins. You sit in your crypt and drink beer.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Brana

You can also visit Bran without a frenzied faith in vampires. Still, the castle is a valuable monument of medieval art in Romania. Looking at the walls, towering on the mountain, you can easily imagine how they could storm the knights - they flew arrows, poured tar and hot water. Residents defended their city, defended houses - an ordinary, but such an exciting history of the European Middle Ages.

Dracula's Castle

On the territory of the castle there is a museum of history and medieval art, where Romanian and foreign furniture, collections of weapons, armor, many household items of the 14-15th centuries are collected. The castle itself is a tangle of labyrinths and secret passages, along which one can leave the building unnoticed. The main thing is not to get lost yourself.

The locals say that screams are heard at night close to the castle, and in the morning there is a distinct smell of blood ... Although experts have not yet proved that vampires live in Brane.

The most interesting places for tourists: the old chapel, the secret staircase, the musical queen of Maria, the powder tower, the apartments of King Ferdinand, the well in the yard.

According to another legend, in the courtyard there is a well, which leads to the underground rooms of the castle. Maybe, just in time for those dungeons where Dracula was imprisoned. But more often wells are needed for tourists to throw a coin - they say, we'll come back here.

The castle works every day. From May to September usually from 9:00 to 18:00, from October to April - from 9:00 to 16:00. During the winter holidays, the schedule changes - most often from 9:00 to 17:00.

Tickets cost the following: adult - 25 Romanian lei, for pensioners (from 65 years old) - 15 lei, student - 10 lei, student - 5 lei. Photographing in the castle is paid - 20 lei.

Panorama from the Castle Branhttp: // export = view & id = 1akEC1MGVDE2e_YgTmafDSlOiOwWL41WY Bran
View from the castle
Dracula Castle, Branhttp: // export = view & id = 1NeV-v7G19tHsOAUqrk6ADfSOanbuu23K Bran
Dracula's Castle
Interiors of the castle Branhttp: // export = view & id = 103HuxuMLJkpjqg1Rp-CUw4gEXw49Tgk5 Bran
Castle interiors
View from the castle of Dracula, Branhttp: // export = view & id = 1A_L3fktLOO9v0gZfyDbcs-kYRfKFPpXq Bran
View from the castle
At the foot of Bran Castle, Transylvaniahttp: // export = view & id = 1p_APzEerUdHIJFjcORno9shvEsaXNNAE Bran
At the foot of the castle
Castle of Count Dracula - Branhttp: // export = view & id = 1Tnff8DHw5MP7nCer1zds8o-lhTHDGxTT Bran
Castle of Count Dracula

Reviews about Brane (2)

Estimate 10

Nothing special, Romania has castles and is more interesting August 4, 2014

was here in July 2014
The castle itself is not impressive, especially inside, because the ceilings are low, and if you are a tall person, you will fill yourself with cones on your head. The rooms are also small, so it's impossible to imagine that Dracula lived here or was captured. Inside the castle looks more like an ordinary village house, so it's not interesting at all. Outside it looks very attractive, especially the path to it, from where the stunning landscape opens. The entrance to the castle grounds costs about 6 euros, which is generally inexpensive. Come ... Read the whole review
Bran Bran Bran Bran
Estimate 8

Special emotions could not be tested 03 June 2014

was here in May 2014
In my opinion this castle is an ordinary divorce for tourists. Quite frail in itself, more like a French building. No horror at the visitors does not cause, but on the contrary, has to itself. Nothing in it reminds of a terrible leader of vampires. Everything is quiet and peaceful. But the people here come the sea and everyone hopes that something will see something interesting here. Prepare for the fact that you have to push in small rooms among the crowds of other tourists, and this is even more daring from the castle. From the castle opens ... Read the whole review
Bran Bran Bran Bran