Magnificent palaces and parks, luxurious residences of Russian princes, medieval castles and inaccessible fortresses-outposts, restrained grandeur of monasteries and severe charm of northern nature - all this is Leningrad region, Russia's closest region to Russia is .Objects ,worthy of the closest tourist attention is ,here a great variety: in addition to St. Petersburg with its channels ,museums ,architectural monuments and bridges ,for inspection of which there is not enough and two weeks of daily and persistent festivals ,this brilliant suburb of the northern capital - "fatherland us ,Tsarskoe Selo "and the city of fountains and parks Peterhof ,Gatchina Museum-Preserve ,Pavlovsk and Oranienbaum ,the capital of the Russian Baltic Kronstadt ,ancient cities of Staraya Ladoga ,Vyborg and Tikhvin ,the glorious fortress of Shlisselburg and the most that is "priozerny" Priozersk ,located on the picturesque shores of Ladoga

Thanks to the increased (and fair) interest in the Leningrad Region from foreign guests, the region can boast of a remarkable tourist infrastructure: existing hotels will satisfy both the most demanding and unpretentious taste, the transport network is extensive and functions properly, well, about such small things as a delicious lunch and nice souvenirs and can not speak.

In addition, the Leningrad region for St. Petersburg - the same that the Moscow area for the capital's resident - the flight "to the aunt, in the wilderness," a blissful rest in the serene depths, the opportunity to visit nature and at least fall out of the whirlpool of the megacity.

Leningrad region
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St. Petersburg is the capital of the Leningrad Region (however, it is not formally part of it, as it is one of the two Russian cities of federal significance - along with Moscow)

The suburbs of St. Petersburg - Oranienbaum (now the city of Lomonosov), Peterhof, Gatchina, Pavlovsk, Pushkin, Strelna, Kronstadt

Other cities - Vyborg, Ivangorod, Staraya Ladoga, Tikhvin, Shlisselburg, Priozersk

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On a personal car

The car is the best way to travel with pleasure in the Leningrad region, without tying up to the schedule of public transport .The main transport artery of the region is Ring Road (ring road), almost completely commissioned, which allows you to travel around Petersburg quickly and with comfort .The rest of the local roads are mostly in decent condition .The road surface without complaints is present at the entrances to popular tourist sites, first of all - to the palace complexes of the suburbs of St. Petersburg; along with this, there are road sections that can cause inconvenience to drivers - as a rule, on the far borders of the region .

By trains

In the absence of personal vehicles, traveling around the Leningrad region is most convenient on trains .As in the case of Moscow, St. Petersburg is the main transport hub of the region, from which railroads run in all directions .However, often to get from one end of the region to another, it is not necessary to go through St. Petersburg: thanks to the "horseshoe-shaped" location of the "sponsored" cities around the Gulf of Finland, the necessity to cross the center is absolutely necessary .Electric trains follow the schedule, fares are low: about 40 RUR to the nearest Peterhof, 60 RUR to Pushkin or Pavlovsk, within 100 RUR to more remote cities of the region .

In Peterhof, Oranienbaum and Gatchina, trains leave from the Baltic Station of St. Petersburg, to Pushkin and Pavlovsk from Vitebsk, to Shlisselburg, Vyborg and Priozersk from Finland. In addition, you can jump into the train at the railway stations of the Baltic, Vitebsk or Finland branches located within the city limits. On weekends, however, it is better to board a train directly at the train station - because of the numerous summer residents there is a risk of "not getting in" on the way.

On buses and minibuses

Buses and route taxis are the second most popular way of transportation in the Leningrad region .Municipal buses and private "micro" are sent to the suburbs of St. Petersburg from the nearest to them stations of the city metro or the railway platforms of the corresponding direction .The fare to the nearest suburbs is 20-35 RUR, the interval of the minibus traffic is 10-15 min on popular routes (Peterhof, Pushkin and t .n .) and 35-45 min for distant destinations .Buses run on a schedule, it makes sense to use them if your priority is the exact departure time to the detriment of speed and comfort .

Minibuses are often much more convenient than electric trains, since they stop directly at the entrance to the palace and park complexes, while from the railway station to the required sights one often has to go a couple of kilometers.

On boats and ferries

Due to the exceptional "water content" of St. Petersburg and its environs, it is possible to move between the cities of the Leningrad region located on the coast on various floating crafts. The most popular route is from the northern capital to Peterhof on the "meteor" - high-speed boat. In some cases you will not get to the desired sights, except as "swimming": for example, the city of Shlisselburg and the fortress of the same name are connected by a museum boat in the summer and strong ice in winter.

There is no ferry connection between Kronstadt and Oranienbaum today. Nevertheless, from the opposite shore of the Gulf of Finland to Kronstadt, you can still get to the river trams and meteors, but this is only possible in good weather, as the class of ships does not allow you to go on a trip during pitching. So that for certain to get to Kronstadt, it is better to count on overland movement.

Where to stay

In view of the proximity of the palace and park suburbs to St. Petersburg, the absolute majority of hunters for the beautiful stop in the hotels of the northern capital, making cultural outings in the neighborhood of .Hotels "on the spot" is not so much, but a couple of options can still be found in every suburb of .In Peterhof, for example, there are 5 hotels "the last word" with all the amenities and stunning views of the historic surroundings .Prices start from 2000 RUR for a double room .If we talk about remote areas of the Leningrad region, then the availability of options for living is determined by the proximity to "abroad" and the popularity of these areas in foreign tourists .In Vyborg, for example, there will not be any problems with finding a decent hotel - rather, on the contrary, there are a lot of options and all of them are quite expensive, since they are calculated for guests from capitalist Finland .But the choice of a place to stay in Shlisselburg will be reduced to a couple of mini-hotels .The average cost of a double room in the region - from 1800 RUR per night, accommodation of a business category will cost in the amount of 4000 RUR .

Map of the Leningrad region

In addition, to spend a night or a couple of days in close proximity to the imperial residence can be in guest houses in the Russian spirit or tourist "villages" .There are such hotels that are called, "on the ground" - tourists are offered to stay in wooden cottages (of course, with all amenities) in the middle of rural landscapes .The general entourage is also Russian: stoves, national cuisine, traditional textiles in the rooms, a bath and triple riding in the bargain .Finally, no one canceled tourist centers, boarding houses and sanatoriums of the Leningrad region .

How to Eat Well $ ±

Not to say that the restaurants and cafes of the Leningrad region impressed by the magnificence of the situation and fine cuisine, but to find a pretty place where you can freeze a worm between the next palaces, grottos and pavilions, it is quite real in any city..As in the case of accommodation, food is organized better near the sites visited and worse - in modest provincial towns, located in the shadow of gilded neighbors .In general, next to the historical sites (and sometimes under their arches), there is guaranteed a place for a snack .Prices, however, will be higher than in urban institutions of the same level, but the convenience is obvious .For those who prefer to go an extra kilometer than to overpay for a sandwich, there are points of network catering - the assortment familiar to the Moscow eye: Kroshka-Kartoshka, Coffee House and other already become relatives "rickshaw ivans" .In addition, do not be afraid of meals in private private cafes - they feed there on conscience, and even with the famous florence of the Petersburg intelligentsia (of course, common sense in choosing a "nutritious" institution has not yet been canceled) .

Traveling around the Leningrad region, you should definitely try cloudberries - Alexander Sergeevich's favorite berry.

What to Buy

Visiting the sights of the Leningrad region, first of all you should count on a standard set of souvenirs: postcards-T-shirts-keychains-magnets with images of palaces, sculptures and fountains .Be sure to pay attention to the magnificent photo albums dedicated to the museum-preserve in general, and to individual masterpieces on its territory, for example, Amber room .In Kronstadt, in addition to selling good books and albums on the history of the Russian fleet, and in Pushkinogorye - wonderful publications about "our everything" .Do not miss the opportunity to purchase products of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, as they say, with a heat, with a heat of .In addition to this, you can take away the products of the northern folk crafts (although they are not related to the Leningrad region, but brought from adjacent regions) - wood carving and bones, their deer fur products, various felt boots, shawls, tin miniature, filigree and much more. .

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of the Leningrad region

Mandatory point of any excursion program - a visit to the "three brilliant P": Peterhof, Pushkin and Pavlovsk.

In Peterhof you are waiting for the Grand Palace and the Grand Cascade of Fountains, the Upper and Lower parks with magnificent landscape architecture and breathtaking beauty fountains, the Marley Palace, the colonnade pavilions and the Hermitage pavilion, the English landscape park and the meadow park with the Belvedere Palace.

Places of interest in Pushkin: Catherine Palace with a luxurious Great Hall and Amber Room, Catherine and Alexandrovsky Parks, Lyceum and Pushkin Memorial Museum in Tsarskoe Selo.

Pavlovsk is famous for the palace-residence of Emperor Paul I with beautiful Italian and Greek halls and the largest park in Europe - its area is more than 600 hectares.

Neighborhoods of St. Petersburg

In Oranienbaum, the Menshikov Palace and the Lower Park, the Chinese Palace, the Rolling Hill pavilion, gardens, sculptures and ponds of the complex are interesting; the amusing fortress of Peterstadt and the Upper Park.

Sights of Gatchina: Gatchina State Museum-Reserve, including a palace and park ensemble and the Gatchina Palace.

In Strelna certainly worth visiting the Konstantinovsky, Lviv and Orel palaces, as well as the Peter the Great's Way Palace and adjoining parks.

Kronstadt is a city of military glory, a fortress founded in the beginning of 17th on the island of Kotlin in the middle of the Gulf of Finland. In 26 km from the neighboring town of Lodeinoe Pole there is a Troitsky Alexandro-Svirsky Monastery (15th c.), Consisting of two closely located monasteries - Preobrazhensky and Troitsky.

In Vyborg, the 13th century castle and the commandant's house (17th c.), The Horned Fortress (16th), the Kronverk Fortress, as well as the Friedrichsgam and the Aboss Gate (18th century), the Ravelin Gate, the clock tower, the monastery of the black Dominicans with the Gothic church 14 c), the church of St. Hyacinth and the Transfiguration Cathedral.

The museum complex of Ivangorod consists of three objects: the fortress (15th c), the Art Picture Gallery and the Museum of Military Defense Architecture.

Old Ladoga is the oldest settlement on the territory of the modern Leningrad region. Its ancient buildings in Zemlyan fortified settlement were built no later than 753, and the first mention of the city in the annals dates back to 862.

In Priozersk, the Round Tower (14th century) with a defensive wall and earthen ramparts, the Old Arsenal (16th c) and the New Arsenal (18th century) are preserved from ancient fortifications.

The main attractions of Tikhvin are the ensemble of the Bogoroditsky Tikhvin Monastery, the house-museum of Rimsky-Korsakov.

In addition to attractions from the category of "palace tourism", in the Leningrad region there are many other interesting places. These are local history museums, architectural and historical monuments, protected areas. A special place in this list is occupied by memorial house museums of great writers, musicians and artists.

Well, in terms of winter recreation, the first place is firmly held by Tuutari Park.

Photos of the Leningrad Region (253)