Russian and foreign tourists have long "laid eyes" on the Karelian region. And the point here is not only in its virgin nature and unique monuments of architecture. The main reason is simple: the tourist season in the republic is not at all limited to three summer months - to Karelia it is continuously traveling all year round. The fans of active tourism, and those who like quiet trips with the whole family will find here for themselves.

Karelia is located in the north-west of the country and is part of the North-West Federal District. It is a republic within Russia: it has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem. About 50% of the territory of the Karelian region is covered with forest, and a quarter - the water surface. Karelia is a "land of lakes", there are more than 61 000 lakes, 27 000 rivers and 29 reservoirs. The largest lakes are the Ladoga and Onega rivers, and the largest rivers are Vodla, Vyg, Kovda, Kem, Sunna and Shuya.

"Blue road" passes through Karelia - an international tourist route linking Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia .

Main types of rest in the region: sightseeing tours (Kizhi - Valaam - Solovki - Kivach Waterfall - Martialnye Vody - Ruskeal marble canyon), active recreation (quad biking, rafting rivers, hunting and fishing, hiking , skiing, biking, jeep tours), children's and youth's department x in the camps, event and holiday tours, holiday cottages and tourist complexes

Capital -. Petrozavodsk. Large cities and tourist centers: Kondopoga, Kem, Kostomuksha, Sortavala, Medvezhyegorsk, Belomorsk, Pudozh, Olonets.

Population - about 691 thousand people.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to the city of Petrozavodsk (nearest a / p to the Republic of Karelia)
    • 1.2 How to call
  • 2 Safety of tourists
  • 3 The climate of Karelia is
  • 4 Shopping and shopping
  • 5 Active rest is
  • 6 Hunting in Karelia
  • 7 Fishing in Karelia
  • 8 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing
    • 8.1 Paanajarvi National Park
    • 8.2 We also recommend

How to get

Moscow and St. Petersburg connect with Petrozavodsk both direct and passing trains. Railway communication with the CIS countries (Belarus and Ukraine) is carried out by the Minsk-Murmansk train, passing through Kiev, Brest, Gomel and Grodno.

Recommended trains: № 18/17 (Moscow - Petrozavodsk, Petrozavodsk - Moscow) № 657/658 (Petrozavodsk - St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk).

All Karelia from the north to the south crosses the federal motorway "Kola", leading from St. Petersburg to Murmansk (route M-18) .The total length of the Karelian section passing through nine districts of the republic is 969 kilometers .For a quarter of a century the road became "more direct" by 60 kilometers .Almost built or overhauled, rectified and reconstructed multi-kilometer sections of the route, many bridges, there were no "ground" kilometers .True, it is still too early to call high-speed highways, potholes and patches on the road surface still meet, but an experienced driver can cross the whole of Karelia in the meridional direction for 12 - 14 hours .

Search for air tickets to the city of Petrozavodsk (nearest a / p to the Republic of Karelia)

How to call

Karelian Republican Rescue Service on the Water: Petrozavodsk, ul. Onego Flotilla, 43 A; tel .: (8142) 73-35-16

In Petrozavodsk - a single salvage service: 01, the traffic police on duty: 784-444 or 002, the duty police department: 780-581, an ambulance (around the clock): 705-999 or 03, background: 09 or 009

Codes of the cities: Petrozavodsk - 8142, Belomorsk - 81437, Kalevala - 81454, Kem - 81485, Kostomuksha - 81459, Lahdenpohya - 81450, Louhi - 81439, Sortavala - 81430, Olonets - 81436, Pitkyaranta - 81433.

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Safety of tourists

Mosquitoes are found everywhere from late May to early September, but are especially active from early June to mid-July. So do not forget to warn your tourists that they are stocked with special equipment.

Ticks do not live anywhere - they are free of pine forests, places of growth of red whortleberry and blueberry. They do not like direct sunlight. Therefore for a place of rest it is better to choose sunlit forest edges.

Reptiles and amphibians of Karelia are represented by 4 taiga species (40%), 3 species with transpalearctic distribution (30%) and three southern forms characteristic of European broadleaf forests .The first group includes a viviparous lizard, a viper, a grassy and pointed-faced frog, to the second - a toad, an ordinary newt and a spindle, to the third - a quick lizard, and a crested newt .Fauna of terrestrial vertebral Karelia consists of 35% of Western European and southern forms characteristic of the broad-leaved forest belt, 33% of Eurasian species widely widespread, 24% of taiga (Siberian) forms and 9% of Arctic ( polar) species .

All of them, with the exception of vipers, are not only harmless, but also very useful .The viper's bite also does not do much harm to your health, but it's very painful .As a rule, a viper tries to give way to a person, although it is not always possible because of natural slowness, especially during moulting .The best means of protection against harmful reptiles - attention and high boots .At the same time gets and spindle - a completely harmless and very useful stateless lizard, which is taken for a snake medyanka, in the territory of Karelia not occurring .

Any independent tourist group arriving in Karelia with the purpose of active recreation should first of all register and receive instruction on safety in the Karelian republican salvage service on the water..In addition, registration can be carried out in the administrations of the regions of Karelia, as well as in search and rescue teams of the rescue service, which are in Kondopoga, Medvezhiegorsk, Kemi and Sortavala .It is highly desirable that, during the course of the chosen route, the head of the group contacted the rescuers once a day by phone and reported his whereabouts .

The climate of Karelia is

The climate is temperate-continental, with sea features. Summer is short and cool, and the winter is long and relatively mild. Spring in the south comes in mid-April, but the return of cold weather is possible in May, and in the north - until mid-June. Summer begins in the first half of June in the south and in the second in the north. Autumn with wet south-west winds or clear, but cold (until frost in lowlands), the weather occurs in the north of Karelia in the second half of August, in the south - in early September.

The average temperature in July from north to south is from +14 ° C to +16 ° C. Winter is quite volatile due to the western winds - then snowfalls, then thaw. Snow keeps differently: from 4 months in the south-west to 7 or more in the mountains in the north. The average January temperature in the territory of Karelia ranges from -8 ° C to -14 ° C.

Shopping and shopping

The main local souvenirs are products from the Karelian birch (caskets, pens, watches). Also popular are products made of schungite: balls, pyramids, beads, rosaries, writing instruments, sets for massage and cream, which helps with joint diseases (this natural material has unique healing properties). A good gift will be products made of leather and birch bark, tablecloths and napkins with traditional embroidered embroidery and, of course, works by Karelian craftsmen and artists: author dolls, paintings, jewelery from natural stones, etc. - $

The main local souvenirs are products from the Karelian birch (caskets, pens, clocks).

Active rest is

In summer, lovers of outdoor activities can go rafting, participate in rafting along the rivers. The most popular routes are the ligatures of the Syapsy - Shuya, Suoyoki - Shuya and Ileksa - Vama - Vodla (or Vama and Vodla rivers), the Upper Shuya, Suna, Ohta, Uxa, Chirka - Kem, Pistajoki rivers.

Besides, kayaks, boats, yachts and other reliable floating crafts can be rafted along the Ladoga skerries, Onega Lake (Zaonezhie, Svyatukha Bay, Unitskaya Bay), Sandal Lakes, Segozero, Kuytto and Keret.

Organized as short alloys lasting several hours, as well as long trips for 3-7 days.

Jeep tours: Movement on the ground and forest roads, which used to connect ancient Karelian villages. Traffic on the route, stops in the ancient Karelian villages, the inspection of churches 17-18 centuries. It is in Karelia that the famous Jeep competition "Karelia Trophy" passes.

Hunting in Karelia

Karelian hunting and fishing have long become a kind of "tourist brand" of the region - which is not surprising, because the places here are really rich in fish and game. Animals that require a license to hunt are bear, elk, wild boar, beaver, marten, capercaillie and black grouse. The number of licenses is limited. Hunt without a license, but if you have a voucher you can go to the goose, hazel grouse, white partridge, duck, woodcock, hare, fox, American mink, squirrel and muskrat.

The most popular hunting for the bear, moose and wild boar.

The most popular hunting for the bear, moose and wild boar is .Permits and permits can be obtained at the district offices of the State Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan (for public lands), as well as in organizations that have their own hunting grounds - such licensees in the Republic of 71 .For those who prefer hunting in comfortable conditions, special tours are organized in which not only food and accommodation in hunting houses and cottages are provided, but also the services of an experienced ranger-conductor .If the tourist is a novice hunter, the accompanying of a professional will not be superfluous: hunting, as is known, is not the simplest kind of tourism..

Map of the Republic of Karelia

Fishing in Karelia

One of the most popular places in the republic for fishing with spinning for pike and perch is Lake Syamozero. In the central and northern regions of the Karelian region there is a whole group of rivers and rapids where you can catch salmon, grayling and whitefish. In addition, a great number of reservoirs and lakes are located in the very north of Karelia, in the Louhi region - there they often go fishing for one of the largest lakes in the republic - Piaozero, where trout, trout, whitefish, trout and many other fish are found. br>

No less popular is fishing on Lake Onega: it has 47 species and varieties of fish, including such "fishing favorites" as salmon, trout, paly, whitefish, grayling, pike, perch and perch.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

Petrozavodsk stretches for 30 km along the coast of Petrozavodsk Bay of Onega Lake .Its embankment - a kind of open-air museum, whose exposition is made up of monuments - presents of seven sister cities of Petrozavodsk .In addition, the city is interested in "House of the Doll" Tatyana Kalinina, the house museum "Karelian Hut", the Karelian State Museum of Local History, the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Karelia .In addition, you can not ignore the most famous waterfall of Karelia Kivach (among other things, the second largest plain waterfall in Europe), as well as the Marcial Waters - the first Russian resort founded by Peter I on the basis of ferruginous mineral springs .

On the island of Kizhi

Petroglyphs - the most ancient images of animals, birds, fish, boats, people and incomprehensible signs cut on the surface of coastal rocks.

The Murom Holy Assumption Monastery is based on the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries on the site of an abandoned primitive settlement. The founder of the monastery is the Monk Lazar, the chapel he built was included in the treasury of the wooden architecture of Rus on the island of Kizhi. In addition, all this is a stunningly beautiful place in which the northern nature is almost untouched by the human hand.

The museum-reserve of Solovki is not administratively part of the republic - but the shortest way here lies precisely from the Karelian coast, through Kem and Belomorsk, therefore a significant part of the tourist routes in Karelia includes visits to the Solovetsky Islands, the most famous among them being Bolshoy Solovetsky. It is the only settlement of the archipelago, as well as the main museum and monastery values. The fare from Belomorsk to the Solovetsky Islands is 1500 RUR, children under 12 years old enjoy a 50% discount.

It is necessary to visit the mountain park "Ruskeala" near the town of Sortavala..Its basis is the Marble Canyon, a unique object of nature included in the list of monuments of Russia's cultural heritage..In addition, it is also a monument of the industrial history of four peoples: Karelians, Swedes, Russians and Finns .Another similar place, representing a man-made "cup" in a continuous marble massif cut through a system of mines, galleries and drifts, is no longer in Europe .The cost of entering the park during the day is 50 RUR, and in the evening, when the mountain park begins to shimmer with multi-colored lights of illumination - 70 RUR .Tour of the Marble Canyon will cost 200 rubles from the group of $ $ .

On the way to Valaam you can see the interesting island of Pellotsaari. On Lake Sandal you can visit the island of Lycian

Solovki from a bird's-eye view

Paanajarvi National Park

Louhi district, Piaozersky village, st. Friendship 31; tel .: (814239) 287-43, 285-04

You can get to the reserve from Petrozavodsk by trains to the Louhi station, then by shuttle bus or bus from the railway station to Piaozersky, where necessary documents are made for finding in the park. After a private car or on the transport of the park to the place of rest.

The state national park Paanajarvi is located in the northwest of Karelia, in the territory of Louhi district. The park is located on a hill, which is stretched towards the lake Tsipringa. The nature in these places is clean and untouched, here you can see giant pine and spruce, as well as numerous fauna that are threatened with extinction in other parts of Europe. Reservoirs abound in valuable fish species.

The pearl of the park is Lake Paanajärvi, characterized by its small size (1, 5 by 24 km) of exceptional depth (128 m). There are many rapids on the rivers, there are significant waterfalls.

In the park there are 9 bungalows with all necessary amenities, there are baths. Tourists are offered fishing (licensed) on small ponds and Lake Paanajärvi all year round, on Lake Piaozero - from June 15 until ice-free, on the Olanga River - from June 15 to August 15. There are special tourist fishing routes for groups.

Photo of the Republic of Karelia (228)