The Caspian Sea is the largest lake on the planet. Territorially it is located on the border of Europe and Asia, and the right to be called the sea was obtained solely thanks to the salt water and its huge size.

The Caspian Sea is located simultaneously in the continental, temperate and subtropical climate .In winter, the temperature in some areas drops to -10 degrees, in the summer it ranges from +24 to +27 degrees .Such a mild climate makes the region an ideal place for tourism..Vouchers should be booked here in advance, as in the season it may turn out that all good places are already occupied .In advance, you should also take care of the presence of communication, in this case there is no reason to hope, for example, corporate tariff plans .Despite the fact that the operator can have coverage zone in this territory, and communication will be available, but nothing will save from roaming tariffs of tourists .In order not to spend all the funds on the phone account on the first day, it is better to add a special service, for example, "everywhere at home" MTS .The same advantageous option will be the purchase of a temporary room Megaphone .

Among the attractions of interest to tourists will be fishing in the Caspian. The rivers carrying their waters into the lake fill it with a lot of nutrients. Due to this the Caspian Sea is distinguished by a variety of fish: sturgeon, carp, vobla.

Immersed in the sea, you will meet with the first surprise - excellent visibility: the local water is transparent at a depth of tens of meters .By its purity the Caspian Sea is not inferior to Baikal, in support of which one can quote the story of one of the tourists .Swim in the morning on a non-motor yacht a few kilometers from the coast, passengers drank coffee on the deck when one of the tourists dropped their snow-white cup .Which is a drowning turned into a white spot on the bottom among the stones .Deciding to drop anchor and dive for a mug, the team understands that surprisingly all the anchor chain length of 30 meters is barely enough to get the bottom of .Diving for a cup did not become .Here such visibility in the Caspian Sea is .

The first person you will meet in the underwater realm of the Caspian Sea will most likely be a goby. It's best to catch it on the hook. or hands, at the same time having trained the reaction. Lifting a stone, no wonder to meet cancer. It is surprising that these inhabitants of fresh water have chosen the sea. However, the local crayfish are smaller in size than the Volga crayfish. In addition, shrimps also live here. Catching them, however, is not so easy, you will need a net and a good reaction. It should be noted that there is practically no underwater vegetation at the bottom of the sea.

For hunting, we advise you to choose rocky shores, the good of them here is not small. Under the rocks you will be greeted by piles of huge stones. Rapidly increasing depth, leaving for hunting a strip up to a hundred meters wide. Hunting here will be similar to a hike through the labyrinth. Among the fish you will find mullet, borsch and carp.

Mullet here dwells almost everywhere .This is a fairly large fish, its weight often reaches 2 kg, it swims both in packs, and alone .Hunting for this fish is more difficult, but, at the same time, and most interesting is .Mullet is very shy .The easiest way to get close to a small flock of feeding fish is to cross and lie in wait for a fish at a stone .Then it will be possible to shoot at the stop .Where it is more difficult to hunt a large flock of mullets .A pair of fish is always on duty at the surface, they will notice you much sooner than .Sensing the danger, the flock will instantly group and float .On the shot you will have literally seconds, and you will have to shoot from a distance in a fast floating fish .Local hunters say that the best time for hunting is the period of migration of mullet, in such days one can catch up to forty fish .Mullet is a wall and it remains to choose only larger prey .

Another dream of a hunter is a Caspian pike perch or bens .Externally, the bersh is not much different from the river pike perch, not counting the color .Local pike-perch is almost black .He dwells under the stones, where thanks to his black alongside virtually invisible .There are rumors that no fisherman and hunter have ever seen young individuals .Bersh usually reaches up to 2 kg of weight .Hunting for a birch is a continuous immersion and laying in the crevices in the stones .Of course, not every hole you will find pike perch - $ .Here it is important to know what the hole itself should be, namely it must have more than one input .Sudak does not like deaf grottos .The size of the stones here does not matter + $ .Under a large stone, you can often find a few bershee .Sudaks do not rush to flee, so it will be easy to catch two individuals in turn .The main difficulty is finding a convenient position .

Among the Caspian waters there is another freshwater inhabitant - carp. Finding it is not so easy, but the individuals living in the Caspian Sea are large enough, the weight of some of them reaches 20 kg. It will not be difficult to catch 10 kg of wild carp, because such fish for some reason lose their fear of hunters. And here small, from 5 to 10, kg immediately rush to the wind.

So, if you are a fan of outdoor activities and spearfishing, the Caspian coast will be a great place to spend a vacation.