Spring - the long-awaited time for adults and children . Bright sun shines, merry brooks run, birdies whistle . Nature wakes up and charges with energy and good mood . Most of all spring vacations are waiting for schoolchildren . They get tired of the daily tiring routine of the day: early rises, loads at lessons, homework . To really relax and get a boost of energy, you need to do a vacation in advance . Of course, you can provide children themselves yourself . Then they will spend the days on end in front of TV and computer, or wander the streets with sodden feet. - $ .

 How to organize a spring vacation
 How to organize a spring vacation
Landscapes of Moscow region

Ideal option - a trip to spring camps. The change lasts from 8 to 10 days, so children will not have to miss school. It is generally believed that in the camp you can rest only in the summer. In fact, the educators have a lot of activities that can be held at any time of the year. In the spring, the camp is no less interesting and exciting than in the summer. Of course, the children will not rest on the beach, and there will not be any games in the water, the children will be offered other entertainments. Particularly popular among parents are spring camps in the Moscow region.

Children who are seriously interested in winter sports can give a trip to one of the ski resorts, since the season of skis and snowboarding is not over yet. For small foreign language lovers, there are special camps throughout Europe that allow you to improve your language skills and learn a lot.

If parents decide to leave the child at home, then they will have to take care of children's leisure . Spring provides space for imagination . In good weather, it is advisable to create children's entertainment on the street . Bicycles, badminton, balls and skipping ropes will be needed . Teenagers can be offered to organize a small bike ride . Itinerary is better to choose a field che . The road must be well-traveled, otherwise the trip may result in stained clothes . Picnic - an excellent alternative to walking . Parents should take care of the products, do not forget about the warm blanket . During spring holidays in cinemas special shows for children are organized, performances are staged, exhibitions are held . Visiting sports sections will bring to children not only joy, but also health benefits .

Whichever of the offered options parents, preparing for the spring holidays will not take little time. Careful mom and dads will have to choose a camp for recreation, a sanatorium, a recreation center, explore the event poster, buy the necessary inventory and come up with entertaining games. Only a quality well-thought-out rest will give the child strength and energy for the successful completion of the fourth quarter.