Izmaylovskiy Kremlin in Moscow

Traditionally, one of the very first excursions to the Moscow land for any tourist is the inspection of the Red Square .The main attraction of this heart of Russia is the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List .This is one of the oldest residences of the Russian government, located in the Kremlin since the XI century, when the Kremlin complex of fortifications served as a protection for the ancient curvici .No less interesting is the visit to the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin - one of the oldest Orthodox churches, fully preserved to the present day .

Each rock stone stone blocks of the Kremlin complex also remembers the boots of Napoleon's Great Army, which ruined and exploded part of the Kremlin, and the rapid Tatar invasions that burned Muscovy to the ground. The Red Square and museums are rich, among which the most important is the Armory with the richest Diamond Fund, which stores the world's largest diamonds and relics of Russian tsars. There you can see the most unique examples of captured and domestic weapons, as well as the standards and flags of defeated armies.

Moscow is a huge metropolis, so for tired tourists who are not used, like Bulgakov's Woland, to live in "hotels", apartments are available for a day and more than .Many travel agencies for a moderate fee can pick an apartment for every taste, where you can fully, at home rest $ ± .An attractive option is also the fact that you will be able to choose the region .In the hotel is often more or less affordable option is somewhere on the outskirts of .And every day a couple of hours to spend on the road, you see, not very nice .Often such services are resorted to by tourists, for whom Moscow's hotels are too expensive, and who need somewhere to spend the night .

Also apartments in Moscow are available for tourists who are passing through the capital and do not want to spend the night on hard benches of railway stations and airports, but prefer a full-fledged comfortable rest. Most travel agencies always have a database with apartments where you can accommodate tired tourists even for 3-4 hours.

In Moscow, the tourist industry is well developed. You can safely go to the capital without turputevki and not worry about anything.