Ekaterinburg is a large industrial city, which is considered to be the third largest in the whole of Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg. Yekaterinburg is unofficially called the third Russian capital, and also the capital of the Urals, as the city dominates in many respects throughout the Ural region and has the most developed economy. Of course, Ekaterinburg is rich from a historical and architectural point of view. That is why it is of considerable interest for tourists - somebody goes here to relax, others - on business.

 Recreation and accommodation in Yekaterinburg
 Recreation and accommodation in Yekaterinburg
Temple-on-the-Blood in Yekaterinburg

Visa issue

Foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation require entry visas. They are issued in any Embassy or Consulate of the Russian Federation abroad. To get an entry visa, the guest must provide an invitation to the established form to enter the RF.

According to the current legislation, all foreigners arriving in Russia, regardless of the purpose of the visit, must be registered . If the guest stops at the hotel, then he can not worry about the visa - the hotel will make up its registration . If the foreign guest stops in private accommodation (for relatives, for example), then the receiving party is obliged within 7 working days from the moment of crossing I visit the border district department of the Federal Migration Service to deliver a foreign national migration registration .

Hotels Yekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg is a large city with a well-developed tourist infrastructure. It offers tourists accommodation in hotels ranging from 2 to 5 stars in different parts of the city. In the historical center of Ekaterinburg there are such hotels as Park Inn, Tea Rose, Atrium Palace Hotel, Premier Hotel, Grand Avenue, etc. There are more far from the city center and more affordable options - Ekaterinburg hotels offer accommodation for every taste.

Sights of Yekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg is considered today the cultural capital of the Ural region and, I must say, it is reasonable $ ±.Here, tourists can choose places for leisure activities in accordance with their plans and moods .Numerous art galleries, geological, historical and military museums, ancient churches and monuments of architecture are waiting for tourists interested in the history and culture of the city..Shopping centers, ski resorts, sports complexes - the city offers entertainment for all tastes .Well-kept city parks and public gardens will help to escape from everyday hassle .By the way, in Yekaterinburg is one of the oldest in Russia State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater .

Restaurants in Yekaterinburg

In Yekaterinburg you will find a large number of restaurants, cafes and bars. It should be noted that the restaurants of Ekaterinburg offer cuisine of different nations of the world - Russian, Hungarian, Italian, French, European, Latin American, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, etc. Also you will find in the city favorite pubs, coffee shops, pizzerias. br>

Internet Cafe

Without the Internet today is nowhere - it's a fact. If you plan to travel with your laptop, you can easily use wireless access - there are enough access points in the city, usually they are in cafes, restaurants, shopping centers, hotels and are paid and free. Also in Yekaterinburg, there is an Internet cafe with Internet access.