Rest is a time when a person can go out into the fresh air, relax, forget about problems. Of course, everyone prefers to rest in their own way. Someone is important to stay in silence, enjoying loneliness, and someone loves noisy companies. There are people who are ready to wait a year for the next vacation, but there are people who use every opportunity to wander through the woods, sit with a fishing rod by the river, spend time outdoors with children or loved ones.

If you want to spend time alone with a loved one, enjoy his fellowship, the ideal option for such a case will be a rest for two in the suburbs of . Having a rest together, you can get to know each other better, talk on topics interesting to you, walk together in nature, get rid of fatigue and negative MOMENTS . However, it will be a mistake to think that rest together is only walks and conversations . Certainly, such pastime to you, as metropolitan people, accustomed to stormy life can quickly become boring . It is important to remember, that resting alone in a boarding house, sanatorium or rest home, you will have a great opportunity to retire in a sauna or Russian bath, visit a SPA center, go bowling or play paintball. - $ .

 Alley on the territory of the Dmitrov Kremlin  Romantic holidays in the Moscow region
 A romantic holiday in the suburbs of $  Romantic holidays in Moscow suburbs

Romantic holidays in Moscow suburbs . Many holiday villages provide comfortable rooms for honeymooners . You do not have to go far to be alone . There is no need to spend colossal money on fashionable resorts, expecting to get there European service . All this you can find in the Moscow region . For example, by buying a ticket to a holiday home, Novorizhskoe highway this or another direction You will not be disappointed. $ $. As a rule, they are all located in colorful places, surrounded by forests, far from noisy roads and settlements. - $ . Modern holiday homes and boarding houses located near Moscow are fighting for each client , creating ideal conditions for resting . Landscaped territories, comfortable rooms, exceptional food, cafes, restaurants, discos, gyms, beauty salons - this is an incomplete list of what you will be offered .

Rest, spent together in the suburbs will be remembered for you for life. Here, everywhere there is a romantic atmosphere: birds sing in a special way, nature is of extraordinary beauty, even the water in rivers and lakes is much cleaner here than in the urban area. And when all this is complemented by a benevolent atmosphere, magnificent ambiance in the rooms and high-class service, you will still feel that you have been in a fairy tale for a long time.