The Marble Palace in St. Petersburg is an outstanding monument of architecture of early classicism . Besides, the marble palace is one of quite a few structures in St. Petersburg where natural stone of different types of rocks was used instead of the then widespread plaster coating . It was also used several varieties of marble of the finest shades . Marble was used not only for facing the facades, but also for finishing the inner halls of the structure . The decoration used sa different kinds of marble stone of Italian, Greek, Ural, Siberian and Karelian breeds .

That is why the building and received the name - Marble Palace. The stone decoration of this building impresses with its elegance, multicolor and richness, excellent taste in the location and selection of marble, as well as the perfection of its processing. Unfortunately, the varieties of marble have lost the former brightness of colors by now, but the consummate architecture of the palace remains to please the eyes of travelers.

The palace was designed in the second half of the eighteenth century by architect Antonio Rinaldi. Initially, the owner of the building was Earl Orlov - favorite of Catherine II, but he never lived to see the completion of the palace.

It is worth noting that the Marble Palace in St. Petersburg is considered the first St. Petersburg building, which is faced with a natural stone. It is one of the branches of the Russian Museum. In the halls of the palace are the following expositions: "Foreign artists in Russia of the 18-19 centuries", "Collection of Petersburg collectors of the Rzhev brothers" and "Ludwig Museum in the Russian Museum". In addition, it regularly hosts art exhibitions of contemporary Russian and foreign artists.

 Marble Palace Marble Palace in St. Petersburg
Marble Palace
Monument to Alexander III at the Marble Palace Marble Palace in St. Petersburg
Monument to Alexander III at the Marble Palace

To date, the historical appearance of the palace's main rooms has been restored, among them there are masterpieces of unique interior decoration such as the Marble Hall and the Main Staircase, as well as a number of rooms that were built by the architect A. P. Briullov.

The Marble Palace, by right, can be considered one of the most beautiful places in the city of St. Petersburg. This building, of course, deserves the attention of tourists who are interested in the architecture and history of old Petersburg. The palace is located on the First Admiralty Island, on different sides the building borders on Suvorov Square, Dvortsovaya Embankment, as well as the Marble Lane and Millionnaya Street. This location of the Marble Palace means that the journey to the building will be carried out in the historic quarter of the city.

In addition, thanks to this particular location of the palace, namely in the center of the city, tourists can easily find hotels and Petersburg hotels for every taste..Here are luxurious five-star hotels in St. Petersburg, such as: the W hotel and the Radisson Royal Hotel St. Petersburg .It is worth noting that no less cozy and comfortable are four-star hotels, for example, the boutique hotel "Golden Triangle" and the hotel "Tradition" .Also nearby you can find budgetary housing options .Among the three-star hotels in St. Petersburg can be identified the following: "Nevsky Grand Hotel", "History on Griboyedov" and "Nevsky Astere Hotel" .Near the Marble Palace, apartments are rented and there are mini-hotels that are so characteristic of Petersburg..

Being on the Palace embankment, tourists can easily recognize it by the massiveness and magnificence of the building. In addition, the interior decorates its grace and splendor. In addition to the expositions, you can enjoy and get acquainted with the magnificence of the architectural structure, which consists of three floors.

Also, when leaving this building, it is easy to continue your journey through St. Petersburg, for example, after examining the Summer Garden and the Field of Mars, which are located very near.

The Marble Palace is one of the pearls of St. Petersburg and, staying in this wonderful city, every tourist who has come from Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Moscow or from other cities and countries will certainly want to visit this excellent and outstanding museum.